For some reason I still don't understand what the locals are whining about. The rain over here is pleasant sprinkle of water compared with the coldness of Finland but wasn't it so that the english are the best in the world to whine about everything?
A few weeks ago I had a interesting conversation with my colleagues. Bed is the most casual thing in our life's and yet we still don't have a national worldwide holiday dedicated for beds! Think about it: we sleep every night in its gentle arms, when we feel ill due to disease (self caused or a flu for example) we wrap ourself into duvets and blankets and try to hide from the world in the bed. When we feel blue our bed is the safest place in the world! We spend our most dramatic, sensual, happy and you-name-it moments in our beds. I swear that I know every inch of my bed like my own hands and the squeaks and other noises it makes... (oops too much information there..) well anyway. We should show our appreciation towards our beds and therefore I wrote a song for beds!
Your silent profile in my room reminds me of those long fragile moments that keep me going all day
just to wait the night and the moment when I can say
"hold me in your arms and make me stay!"
Oh how I hate that clumsy leg of yours where I always hit my toe!
And how you always squeak when I shift a side or roll on the person next to me revealing me like a foe!
You know me, my voices and dreams.
You shared the moments with me that I hope no-one ever sees.
I recently had my dark and grey moments which were mostly spend in the bed hugging a hot water bottle in my arms but lessons learned. Ups and downs (especially the downs) feel more drastic living abroad and alone. No more possibilities to just catch a taxi and find myself from my moms, granny's or sisters arms crying my heart out or chances to ask my dad or big brother to protect me when I feel offended and the mean boys are teasing me. Living abroad and building a new life means literally just that! You build everything from the beginning all by yourself and you have to stand on your own two feet no matter what. What I have noticed is that you become even more stubborn in protecting the things that you believe in and honor your own limits. (I don't know is that a good or a bad thing because people who know me know how strong minded I can be..) Luckily I have the most wonderful flatmates, fellow students and work mates who are there when good friends are needed.
And luckily I also got over my PMS's, bought extra vitamin D and found a inspiring book from the uni's library Nature via Nurture by Matt Ridley who really makes my critical and ever so knowledge lusting mind tick!
London isn't that far away from Finland at all! I have had the honor to be visited by my sister in law and her friend and my of course own personal sassy energy ball Lena. (I'll add some pics later..)
Finally let me introduce you to my new official "better half": He is bony and partial but strong and flexible. Just how I want it! A must for every student of osteopathy (and the uni provided these in a minimal prize..)