tiistai 18. joulukuuta 2012

What is it about christmas that makes people go absolutely insane?! Running around like crazy buying stuff that no-one really needs like a wine glass holder or other unnecessary gadgets.  The stress will be released in the most amazing fights in the shops queues and in traffic... Don't even ask!

The highlight of the christmas period is the company's christmas party when everybody gets completely drunk and truly believes (at least in London) literally that once a year you can do anything without any consequences.  

What makes all of this even more absurd is that then the people are always so surprised that actually everyone else is also doing the exactly same thing!

As a shopping centre worker one thing that is really braking my nerves is the constant  "Jingle bells" and "Rudolph the red nose reindeer" and then my family wonders why I'm not too keen on listening or singing christmas carols. Well wonder why?....

This Christmas is going to be something completely different. Thank god at my work place there's no christmas music playing 24/7 (the english got something right!) and I'm actually staying in London. Yes. Me, myself and I alone in London while my flatmates fly back to Sweden and Finland for the xmas and New Year. Finally a change to run around the flat NAKED,  dance like crazy only my shoes on, sing in the shower as loud as I wan't and leave my shoes anywhere I want! HA!

Actually I have to admit that I have been trying to avoid facing Christmas as hard as I can. I've been making myself even more busy and rolled my eyes when seeing christmas decoration and blogged my ears when hearing Christmas carols. My flatmate Ise has been all crazy about christmas with the advent candles, Lucia thing, baking, decoration... and I have been keep on trying to hide in my room.  And I've been literally so busy with the uni exams, gym and work with occasional nights out that it has been even more than possible!

That ever so painful cut  in my heart reminds me of itself even more during christmas time. Not only being alone AND single but also spending the christmas without my family. 

I think that my friends Aija's visit here was much needed because today I finally woke up from my misery and got my share of that christmas spirit. 

My christmas wont be a wealthy one but surely something to remember. Step 1. and 2. already taken: Some decoration and buying the meats etc.  for the christmas day dinner!

I even got some presents...

I took my flatmates advice and decorated Kalle to be my personal xmas tree!

 I have the best work and university colleagues ever. Christmas eve is already solved out. And I can always entertain myself by causing trouble in the nearby pub or leaving myself under a pile of emptied wine bottles to be found by my flatmates?..   

Happy holidays!