torstai 9. elokuuta 2012

Year 2012 and olympics in London HOORAY! People are exited! the games are on EVERY DAY!  You got to have a ticket at least from some park with big screens. Everybody talks about the olympics! If there is empty seats in the games they write about on every magazine. "How they dare to do that?! The VIP audience?! How do they have the guts to do that?!" (Well if I would have the money and wouldn't really care about anything but the after parties...)

Anyway. The olympics are going on all wild and glory as ever and the olympics don't really effect my life a at all..... It's just nice to have free ice creams in the Waterloo station and Gosh I hate the tourists being on my way all the time.... Hey some of us have to work! I admit it! I'm lazy, ignorant, immigrant with a really selfish attitude!

Or maybe just bored at all the corruption and show the whole thing have woken up? All the stores in London have some kind of sales and promotions going on because of the olympics. "Buy Powerade! 3 for the price of 2!", "Tampax will keep you going!", "Wear Addidas and run as like Usain Bolt!"... These aren't official adverts and the companies mentioned don't necessary have anything to do with the corrupted marketing during olympics.

The other thing that kind of bothers me is the weird attitude that wearing/drinking/eating something that the sponsors say will make you the athlete him/herself is a bit strange. And how about approaching people you may like with the following sentence: "I work in the olympic..." and winking your eye? (Of course you forgot to mention that they pay you only £6/h and you actually sell hod dogs. But of course you wan't to make the impression that you work next to the real superheroes.

According to the legends Heracles and Zeus were the ones developing the "games" among the cities of agent Creese. The games were held every fourth year and were of a fundamental religious importance, featuring sporting events as well as ritual sacrifices to honor the gods. The ones lucky, strong, smart and fast enough to win the games were treated as immortal heroes (and today if you do the same: You get into a Pepsi commercial! WOHOO! )That ended around 393 AD. The olympic games were tried to bring back alive in the revolutionary France 1796 and the games as we know them now were established (in it's official glory) in 1896. The legends and history books mention  also that they were officially for men only and of course the athletes were naked. (How strange that that wasn't mentioned in wikipedia?..) and the olympics 2012 are remarkable and will make history at least in one sector: First time ever that women's boxing is included officially in the games. I couldn't believe my eyes when I red the news mentioning that side of the story. Really?! Are we still in the stone age?! Actually women's boxing was introduced around 1907 but wasn't accepted... In the name of equality! Lets take the nudity back! If that happens I promise you that I'll be all sharp and eyes glued to the TV during triathlon, swimming, running, football, tennis, handball, boxing, wrestling.....

I had a really nice conversation at work with elderly couple. They asked if I follow the olympics and did I see yesterdays games. It was a bit embarrassing to admit that I don't do that and explain that I just spend my free time at the gym.
 "Oh you too?! You should be in the Olympics then!" 
"Oh not really... it takes at least couple of years to get in really good shape and I'm not good in those sports... "
"How about swimming?"
"Yeah..maybe... but I hate water"
Laughing: "That may be a problem... running?"
"Yeah... actually I hate running too."

Then we tried to find a suitable sport for me in the olympics and football, gymnastics and boxing were the only solutions. But I am a bit too old and not that technically good in football, not that flexible (nor tiny) for gymnastics and I really enjoy more kickboxing then boxing and the lady admitted that it's much more beautiful then boxing..closer to dancing but no worries my readers: As long as they don't have crazy improvised table dancing or high heel running you won't see me in the olympics. Maybe in the "support" team looking after some athletes gluteus muscles as a personal osteopath?... Just kidding!

I would be totally professional in my work and make sure that my athletes would be all ok for their challenges!

 Essi visited me for a couple of days and was so thoughtful that brought some finnish chocolate, salmiakki and good quality sports supplement. We did the odd-all-ready-a-routine-round- at the local pub and have a splendid evening.

The next day was dedicated for the miracles of nature and the wonders of the anatomy. Natural history museum and Bodies revealed it is!


There was hundreds or thousands humming birds in that vitrin!

I found a solution for unwanted approachers in the bars: "Let me introduce you to my friend..."  and then pull this out of your handbag...


They have a really good collection of jared creatures in the Natural history museum.

In the evening we prepared ourselves for a big night in the bars of Camden.  We ended up in the Enteprise and stayed there all night speaking to these italian fellows and dancing like we never danced before. Unfortunately someone stole my handbag...

There went my old Nokia x6 that I used for my english mobile number,a  few pounds, travel card and Dior compact powder (all the rest I got back including keys, cards and lipgloss.)  Travel card wasn't a problem. I could lock it easily and got a new one in couple of day free of charge and the Nokia X6 is clumsy anyway but who would steal someones used compact powder?! Worth only around £30?! It's disgusting (like borrowing someones used tampon..) and you must be really desperate! The guys were laughing to my reactions about the missing powder (talking about priorities..) but were really helpful in that situation. 

The night ended with style when Essi the sweet, small girl turned in to a fierce woman all ready pissed of because of my stolen handbag and when some jerks from a passing car threw an raw egg on our shoes. She shouted like a werewolf and went to the closest fast food place demanding some tissues to clean her shoes. Such a sweet girl! <3

On sunday we wen't shopping and ate again the best veggie food you can have at InSpiral lounge Camden. Veggie gluten free lasagna is the absolute best and you never stay hungry after eating that. Huge meal!

I'm not alone anymore!  I met it in many shops and finally couldn't resist it's charisma. The third time I was all over it with this funny expression on my face and glow in my eyes Essi told me to take it.

I have now decided to test my limits. I'm such a perfectionist personality that before specializing to sports people (one option) I really have to understand them. And because it's been years since kind-of-serious training I try to get back to that level! Just in general sports: Fittest, fastest, strongest, the most flexible and the best endurance levels as possible! It's all about having goals, pushing your own limits not just physically but also mentally.

I have to get to a normal level when it comes to setting goals and really look what weights I'm using how long I'm running and how many km etc. Because at the moment I run as a typical route in the morning that "doesn't feel too long or make me bored" and use weights/make reps "that are challenging and don't get me bored". And the main measurement technique I use for my workout and running at the moment is: 

First you always feel like you die. Then you're afraid that you won't die and when you feel all ok and alright you can finish the workout! (In the morning the exercise takes only 15-25min and evening from 45min to 2,5h.)

Smart isn't it? But does it take you far? Well...

So I prepare myself with more knowledge by studying some extra and finding the style that suits me and check the nutrition etc. Of course not forgetting having occasionally too much fun and taste a little bit sinful life... 

And always remember the biggest rule of them all: 

Yesterday I had a fantastic evening out with my colleagues eating indian food and due to forgetting my nowadays even more sensitive gluten intolerance/allergy I got to pay all day today for it. First not getting out of the bed, then spending fun time in the toilet and when trying to workout in the evening: after 10min workout and 30s kickboxing sparring almost puked and fainted on the gym floor. 

Not that nice for my selfconfidence. Crappy punches, kicks and running.

Well everyday can't be a good day! (and this will probably continue a couple of days..)

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