I should probably mention something about the olympics?.. Well the traffic's going to be a nightmare and the word CROWDED won't even describe the whole picture what's happening in London. I'll keep you updated in my next blog writing.
Pictures tell more than a thousand words. Here's a few pictures of my daily routines from breakfast to Battersea Park run.

London's parks are a necessity to anyone living in London. Human evolution hasn't yet gone so far that we would survive without a little bit of nature around us to charge up the energy levels to face another day of work etc. I have a thing for trees. Especially with big and old ones. Ise thinks it's a sort of fetish but seriously... those trees have seen already more then I will see in my entire lifetime!
Ise's my piggy-bag! (I so need a pair of running trousers like that.)
BTW It's actually smarter to make your grocery shopping after your evening exercise. For some reason you never buy anything that you don't really need like cookies etc.
AND you end up meeting interesting people. A dark fit guy approached me in the shop (Ise somehow sensed the situation and run around the corner..) and asked "Oh you have done some working out?..."
In my mind: "No... I just love to be seen publicly as a sweating pink girl without makeup etc. in her training outfit 24/7 just to make the best impression possible."
We had a small chat about training etc. and he told me that I look good. Apparently he wasn't a "normal" guy making a moves on girls because he stopped to chat a really extremely fit guy talking about sports again. It seems that he had a thing for sports and gym?
That's another strange thing for me. In Finland no-one approaches you without a good reason. Over here you get these random people talking to you every now and then.
Like to day on my day of I was on my "the huge white whale has landed"-mission in Battersea Park and worshipped the sun in my hungoverish bikini glory when this older gentleman passed me one time and commented that I have found a lovely spot in the sun. A few minutes later he approached me again telling that he found some plums and offered me one. The same time he told me to be careful with the sun because I might get burned. I explained that I have put some sun lotion so no worries. The third time he brought me more plums.
He was quite harmles and lovely BUT I wouldn't have been surprised if he would have come the fourth time and brought some sun lotion offering to massage it on my back...
Just to inform you they Gay genre is really hot in London. Amazing bars and karaoke! We hit the town last night me, Ise and Josephine and and found ourselves singing Abba - Dancing queen in the middle of guys dancing and partying wildly and looking amazing. I swear god that one of the guys had a better and tighter behind that I do and looked amazing in make-up and high heels. Afterwards we wen't to this nightclub that surprisingly was apparently a gay club. (Ise has this weird ability to found herself and lead others to gay clubs.) So there we were. Three single girls having the time of our life! And then the next morning you again think why you're single... wonder why. Fun night anyway and we got the change to dance till our feet hurt and enjoy a drag queen show. Which is btw much MUCH more colorful and full of passion and the way they performed their roles was sometimes even a bit over the edge for my taste. (I'm a girl of small gestures that tell more than you can reveal by saying things straight away.)
Some people shovel junk food and watch junk programs in their hangover. I cooked some fish and potatoes and spend my time watching a documentary about the color gold and how it's symbolism has changed through out the centuries. One thing that has been a mark of glory and symbolized something bigger in life (belief, paradise, glory, love..) is now an everyday product and only symbolizes money and material gain. Is this how low our values of life and what really matters has become?
I saw the strangest dream. The documentary continued in my dream and ended in words. "Next is time for the color GREEN. Make your own Green statement!". A kind of logo of the green man was shown with the end texts and a R&B song playing in the back ground. The green is a political liberal party in Finland and states for human rights and green values. So it doubles the strangeness of this dream. It seems that it's impossible to switch my brains off even in a hangover.
I took it all back by eating all of this chocolate and reading some gossip magazines... Huge thanks to my big sis Mia! (WINK WINK to all you folks back home.) There's absolutely no chocolate like the one back home! So goooooooood...
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