maanantai 2. heinäkuuta 2012

Susanna visited me this weekend. I got 4 days of from work and oh la laa! I loved it! We had so much fun! We visited my local pub The magic garden which is just a stone throw away from my flat. Good music, beautiful decoration and what a spectacular garden! Dancing swing and charleston. Amazing how drunk you get drinking only 4 pints but it must be due to the music and that pub.  It was good to have a good friend here and unload all the stuff that has been happening lately. Those nights with a friend having an odd class of wine and the long hours of conversation include the essence of life. 

The best way to get rid of a hangover  is to do saturday morning zumba in your local gym.  The zumba instructor was so gay. "So ... it's one, two, three.. jump jump... sexy lady! This is a sexy hot dance MMmmkayy?" I have never seen any man moving like that!   Halfway through the class he turned around and pointed the only guy in the class (apparently forced to come there by his girlfriend) and said: "I'm watching you!" and the guy replied exhausted: "And I'm watching you!"..  The instructors seem to be a bit crazy in that gym. previously in the week I attended Pilates class and there this eastern european man with a rough high pinched voice shouted commands: "Back in a laSER shape! And then Rrrrrainbow shape! Verrrrrry good!". I couldn't keep a pokerface. The absolute best core workout!

I personally don't agree with the "fact" that scandinavians don't know how to shake their hips 'cos I'm a pro shaking my hips but Johanna says it's due to my russian-gypsy heritage.  I strongly believe that the finnish culture is behind all the stiffness in Finland. Including the hips! It's better to blend in and be all neutral! Not to be seen, heard or smelled... gush! The culture won't allow any color to be added. (only after 5 bottles of Finlandia Vodka some color is OK..) I'm not saying that the finnish culture is completely agonizing and a bit restrictive but all of us know about those rules that everyone should know. For example we never start conversation with a stranger without a "proper" reason, there must be at least 1,5m private invisible area around every individual and it's not ok to show your true emotions publicly. It's actually a bit funny that in here London I'm considered to be quite neutral person who doesn't talk 24/7 or make a show of herself unlike in Finland I heard all the time how loud etc. I was. You who decided to move to Finland from another culture, I sympathize you. Got to give my respect because you surely need huge balls to do that and find your place in the finnish civilization! 

The english have this really odd habit to ask from everyone how they are. Like they would really give a shit about it?.. Hah! In a really finnish way I wan't to straightforward to business and talk about things that have been bothering me but nooo,  no way. First you have to spend 10min talking about some mambo jambo about how you're doing. Wonder how they would react if I would start telling about my period pains or weird seizures I keep having without my daily medication.. just kidding. But that would be something worth to see.

I was pretty sure that my heart would explode but after the zumba class and some traditional sauna session (Yep... there's a proper finnish sauna at my gym not to mention a jacuzzi! But they have nothing to do with my decision to join that gym or the fact that there's a fantastic spa upstairs that does pro waxing or the guy in reception is so hot..) 

I couldn't have felt any better. Before the evening party we decided to have a picnic and at the same time check the Battersea Park (Read: the MEN playing cricket and football). Susanna has the best Aussie attitude ever: "Fuck off clouds!" What a pro sun worshiper! 

One luxuries of being a woman is to have these pampering moments. I try at least once in a month to use about 4h just to prepare to go out clubbing or to the theater etc.  First some facial beauty treatments, mani-pedi, some chocolate strawberries and some bubbly, deciding what to wear... then shoes and handbag... maybe some jewelry?  Johanna's fairway party gave a good excise for that special moment.

"Let me just sit down and put it between my legs and pull really hard..." This phrase isn't from a porn movie but out of Susanna's mouth and the situation didn't include anything questionable... only a Champaign bottle that wouldn't open. 

 Just the people in London are definitely worth the move to England. In a pub an older guy tried to teach me how to dance properly because as a stubborn woman I have a really bad habit to lead in a dance when guys should do that. I met this traditional english indie rock type of guy Basil who danced with a groovy touch and every now and then threw his head a bit to get his Beatles hairdo of from covering his eyes.  He probably couldn't see much. 

We ended up to Barfly club and that night we truly felt like teenagers again. Dancing with every guy in the bar and having so much fun! The Music! Indie,  proper rock... I actually ended up dancing with this gay guy the whole night. (but have to say that I still doubt was he gay at all..) He was so much fun! Swing type of dancing and shaking! After the last song Susanna, I and the guys had some junk food and I felt like a seagull taking chips from Susanna's tray and eating the onions out of someones baguette . When we came back home and I took my shoe of I noticed that there was dried blood everywhere and my toenail was cracked to two pieces. That was some wild dancing I must say! (Last time I had my nail injured was in muay thai 2 years ago..) But hey: There's no gain without some pain!

As in a proper London visit we wen't to the British museum. "surprisingly" my sense of directions was totally blurred and we had to ask some help from the locals. (Hey seriously... who would get lost while trying to reach that museum?!) And of course in a hangover you get these really "funny" and good ideas like flirting with the Lindow man  (just to cover up not so lucky hunt last night)  "How you doing my love... it looks like you have slightly stiff neck. I may have a few tricks in my pockets for that..."  

A must in London especially in a hangover: Pub meal.

Talking about sometimes my a bit questionable brain function:
Who the hell would accidentally buy porn sheets to her bed?! At the moment I'm sleeping in black satin duvet set. (quite comfortable actually) I must have been a high class courtesan in my previous life and now these old memories and urges are trying to take hold of my actions. 

There's no end to my honeymoon with London. Everyday I fall harder in love with London and it's many faces. The people, unpredictable weather, absolutely best parties,  history, all the possibilities, my neighborhood...  All the doors are open and there for you if you have the wits to work hard to reach your goals. I'm sorry guys but it looks like I'm never moving back to Finland again...  

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