sunnuntai 8. heinäkuuta 2012

Sundays are holy days and therefore perfect days to worship my body... To the gym!

Previously this week I had the Nuffield health MOT taken and to be honest with you. I hated the results! Blood pressure, sugar levels, cholesterol and heart rate all excellent but when it comes to BMI... TA TA TAA! Way too big and waist to hip ratio.... slightly better. In conclusion there's a lot to do to improve these numbers.

Funny thing is that I have always been into sports, worked out quite a lot and never been in that bad shape but hey... figures are figures!

Besides the guy who measured these was a lot of fun. He laughed at my reactions and stupid jokes like me pointing at my tummy and shouting "You BITCH!". Because I'm not that into running he suggested me  some "robe workout" to cover my cardio workout lack. Not in the bedroom guys... but apparently he's going to show me on sunday what it's like. You an imagine what kind of lasso etc. jokes I threw about his robe exercise.

It's always much more fun when you get along with the people in you gym. The gym is smaller and it has everything I need. (including kettle balss, jacuzzi+sauna!) The best part of it...

My workout won't look like this:

I have nothing against you men but when I workout I wan't to do it in my own peace ok?

First things first and take thou direction towards ASDA to do some grocery shopping for the week ahead! All of this £28!  (Would've been even cheaper without all the gluten free stuff and eco friendly washing powder.)

I haven't eaten fish fingers in years. Literally.. IN YEARS because you can't get these gluten free in Finland. Probably you can imagine my reaction when I found this?... They even have some breaded chicken etc.  I'll try those later!

Later on sunday

I think that lately even thought it has been financially tough I've been pretty lucky. Possibility to move to London, a flat in a good area, good and challenging job, amazing gym, place in a college and today the best personal training ever. He maid me a cardio program that doesn't piss me off at all like typical running. Who need a ferrari when if you got some gluten free fish fingers and a fantastic cardio training program?

Interval training with intensive workout and rest breaks. First some kickboxing about 20min (with breaks: 2X3min 1 min break and times get smaller and more intensive), then running "up" the hill with the same interval idea (20 min) and finally some intensive rowing. You should have seen me laughing and smiling to myself when doing some kickboxing. It has been now about 1,5 year break from martial arts because of the cervical prolapse. It all is still there! Skills don't disappear! ( Ok my left legs kicks at times were pretty weak examples but anyway...) Humans muscle memory and it's capacity is amazing. 
(Maybe it would have shocked me more if I wouldn't have known what I'm doing after 3 years of training Muay thai and previous random boxing and Han Mo Do classes).

It all felt so good! And that cardio program was actually challenging but not insurmountable. Then 20min sauna session and heading back home.

The weather here has been pretty weird for the last few days. Sunny, rainy, sunny, windy, rainy, sunny, rainy.... and so on. (Maybe it's sympathizing my PMS's?.)

Feeling all relaxed and mind in euphoric state I headed back home and what did I see...

You'll find your treasure at the end of the rainbow: There's no place like home! "Somewhere over the rainbow..."

And here's a little cooking tip for all you folks back home! Take the minced meat-onion-what ever- that has been standing in the fridge for 1,5 weeks out of the fridge. Chop one big fresh onion and some garlic roughly and stir it up with some olive oil on a pan. Add some chopped mushrooms and chili. (Make sure that you handle the chili with bare hands and afterwards rub your eyes and the side of your nose just to make your evening even more exiting!) Then it's time for the meat and some tomato puree. Chicken buillon adds all the salt you need because you did the spicing all ready a weeks a go with your meat dish right? Just for some taste and funkiness add any herbs you got at home! After 30min braising serve with rise, a pint of organic whole milk and a simple avocado-tomato salad. Nom nom...

It's always worth to improvise!

This idea should also be brought to the free Metro magazine in Helsinki. 


"You girl whom I met at the Bakers and whos dress I ruined with my beer last friday. I really liked your boobs... Fancy a drink?" -Juho tha man

"The cute blond guy I fucked at least 2 times in the Aussie bars toilet and the rubber broke... Twice! You're a daddy now and probably also got a chlamydia! Contact ASAP 'cos you're behind the child support by 5 months!" - Misse86

"That hot sexy wild red head wearing a pink short dress and cute lace nickers at the Club Tigers dance floor. I'm the guy in the dark suit who accidentally dropped knockout drops to you drink and then took photos of you in the ladies room. Can't get you out of my mind... Give me a call!" Mr. MmmK

And just to make sure that my black sense of humor doesn't effect your week. You never know what you face in the tube!

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