sunnuntai 15. heinäkuuta 2012

Ise came back from Sweden and now the flat feels again more like a home and it's just fantastic to have someone with whom you can eat chocolate, drool after gorgeous guys, borrow handbags, shoes and dresses, run around half naked etc. 

She makes my week more exotic sneaking behind my back while cooking etc. "Can I have some of that?...", "Oooh what's that! Can I have a bit?.." It's practical that both of us have to look after what we eat. Becomes more cheap etc. to partly unite the food budget.

Best part is to have these random SMS just like today: "I give up! I'm ordering take away."(She has stayed in the bed for 2 days being too tired to go to shops) At that moment I was at the gym preparing to get back home. My laughter echoed in the women's locker room.

We we're at the local pub listening some live blues and danced the night away. Odd thing was that even thought we had a few drinks it wasn't rationally thinking enough to cause a total black out. Luckily we apparently found our way back home with her coat being in my room, my coat in her room and both totally nauseous the next day. There we're at least two guys stalking us and we suspect that some-one putted something in our drinks but you never know... Better to be more careful the next time we go out.

50 shades of Grey really is THE book!

Half of the time I giggled and laughed other half I bit my lower lip cheeks all red. The electricity between Ana and Chris is touchable. No wonder the book is so popular. Easy text (you don't have to think too much), relationship drama and sex. Perfect cocktail! 

I wouldn't say that this book have started any kind of revolution. Women has only been showed again what the power of their mind is capable of doing. I honestly feel that modern society pushes sexual images from the media etc. but still one night stands, lust-full women etc. are a tabu. A sign of a "bad woman". Good women stay home, are virgin when getting married and would never role-play in the bedroom and you can only have sex under the duvet in a locked dark room  etc. Besides... sex is still a tabu even in the all-open-minded-and-free western society. What are we so ashamed of? You heard me right! If a man has had sex with over 20 women his a stud but if a woman has done the same thing... why do we call her a whore? Something is really wrong in the way think about sex, random one-night stands and relationships. I believe that as well as men women have to same right to demand good quality sex from their relationships.  Everybody values different things in their life and of course people may think totally oppositely than I do. For me physical interaction in forms of touch, kisses, hugs, sex... is crucial part of relationships. If it doesn't work then what does?

The story in the books is mind stimulating and really wakes up the deepest sensations and senses of the body. Like literally having a hormone rush in your body just like spring time! This means I'll be having exiting weeks ahead of my trying to control all of my urges...

Meanwhile I just medicate my urges with Waitroses I Scream ice creams! Like orgia in your mouth! So gooood...

What is it about british women not sweating at the gym and having tons of make up and the best gold jewelry on them while they "exercise"? How is that possible that they don't sweat at all? All due to the water of thames or the nutrition? I feel like a pink pig next to them! And spending my valuable time 20min just to put on make up before going to the gym to me feels a bit ridiculous. 

I can already see the make up+ work out results in my mind... Oooh mama!

They also seem to have a totally wrong attitude towards weight training. It's something that men do, not women. WTF?! Like women could have any muscles without tons of steroids... healthy muscles YES and muscles on women look good. J'lo and that ass? MUSCLE! Madonna with her biceps? MUSCLES! Anna Kurnikova, Serena and Venus Williams etc. ALL MUSCLES!

Muscles give some curves and more muscles means more energy spent! Fat burns faster with "bigger" muscles. "Burn baby BURN!" Muscles mean more firm body that work well and possibly adds the quality of life. Especially if you're normally a office worker with only a little of physical work.

So it truly amazes me that british women consider chips and crisps to be a normal part of the food plate and salads are only eaten if you're on a diet. And when you go to the gym you do a little in a cross trainer and avoid weights like plague 'cos they immediately pump muscles on you and you and no-one wan't to look like a Swartzernecker ? And hey gyms are definitely the best place to perv others! (Ok I got to admit that after reading the 50 shades of grey my eyes have wondered around more then normally at the gym... and in the tube, shopping centers, on the streets... busses.. damn! There are just so many good looking guys around! Or maybe that book has really mind fucked me...)

First time I tried a proper 1,5h astanga yoga session in years. I was quite surprised to find myself in a really acrobatic asanas when even the teacher in the beginning told me "You look fit and healthy but people here are in different levels. Some stretch a bit more than others..." Don't judge the book by it's cover! I may look a bit amazonish here compared to more lightly build british women but I stretch! HA!

I have a background of a bit more straight forward sports with the following kind of comments from the coach: "Keep your hands up when hitting the right hook or next time I hit you..", "No pain no gain!",  "If you don't hit him he'll hit you!", "...and you run! You run and jump and do push ups as long as I tell you to do so or until you puke!" There fore some of the instructions in yoga we're a bit exotic like "Focus to your 3rd eye... and now we OOOOOMMMM a few time after the inhale to replace the inhale with left nostril, exhale with the right one.." 

Thank god there weren't any mirrors in front of me. Thinking about the image of me blogging one nostril or releasing a calm peaceful OOM out my mouth.. hmm.  Not with this sense of humor!

In the end I felt light and relaxed. I've always had a problem with my shoulders and upper thoracic region always being tense and locked. After 1,5 of yoga I feel like a new human being. 20min sauna afterwards was the icing on the cake.

BTW: I have noticed a small signs of home sickness. We have free landline calls to EU countries and I called my granny who's complained about everything being so expensive and difficult nowadays and now I'm not in Finland to change her curtains or helping her to clean the flat... All that raised a smile on my lips. My granny is one of a kind.

It's weird how in a short time period you also loose the easiness of finnish language. Finnish words felt like strange blocks in my mouth and it took a couple of minutes to find right way to build up proper intonations and sentences. Soon I'll probably demand 5 o'clock tea everyday, speak snobbishly  to everyone, use words like "please, how do you do, do you mind.."  24/7, and dress only into Union Jack bikinis?  

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