torstai 12. heinäkuuta 2012

I hate trains and trains hate me.

My week started in a spectacular way (as usual) by getting "lost" due to the commonly known effective and always trustworthy public transportation. The train I was in suddenly decided that it won't stop in West Croydon at all! (That's where I was about to have my 4 day training for adapting company's ways of dealing things). What a way to give the good first impression: "sorry... I'm 25 min late because the train system hates me!"

Well at least the journey with the beautiful views was quite pleasant. Thank god the rest of the week went all pleasantly and there were no problems to get from Battersea to West Croydon. 

I've been living here now for a few weeks and I must admit that I've learned to appreciate Finland in a completely new ways. The raw beauty, fresh air/water, rusty nature and sometimes melancholic characters of out culture. The best feature about us is the honesty.

We are so honest that we rarely use the finnish word LOVE (Rakkaus) nor do we say I love you (minä rakastan sinua) that often like they do in english culture. We may say I like you (pidän/tykkään sinusta) or I mis you (kaipaan sinua) but never I love you if we don't mean it. Even the word Love (rakkaus) is ugly and complicated to pronounce. Here's a finnish song  Love is an ugly word.

How about complicated relationships? We are famous of not talking or showing our emotions. But no worries! If you wan't to learn more about the inner life of a finn there's plenty of songs to  help you to understand the wordless communication...

Sentenced - Killing me killing you
Sonata Arctica - Paid In Full
Jukka Poika - Silkkii (english subtitles)
Here's a few songs in finnish that are sometimes understood as love songs but if you understand finnish listen carefully and you'll see the other side of the story.
CMX - Kultanaamio (in finnish)
PMMP - Pariterapiaa (english subtitles)

And my absolute favorites Kotiteollisuus - Tämän taivaan alla (english subtitles) & Kaija K - Vapaa (english subtitles)

I really do hate that feature in finns The feature that WE DON'T TALK but why to use words without real meaning? Just to fill the empty gaps in conversation so no-one would feel awkward?

This doesn't mean that I now stop my parrot like talking just because I have found my inner finn again... Just thinking out loud!

I realized that I may seem to be reserved and sometimes even rude in here London. I just find it a bit hard to be so "happy" and exited to "really know" how people are doing and that cheek kissing thing? With complete strangers? "Just to be polite I spread my saliva on you cheek!" WTF?!

Just kidding mates!

After the 4 day training I made some friend and we had a few pints in the local pub. That pub had amazing ladies room.

The fact that they sell tampones and condomes in the loo is understandable and even the possibility to use hair straightener for a £1 but vibrators?!  And only with £5? "I suddenly feel like I need some relaxation... YES! They sell vibrators! The luckiest day of my life!" And cannabis inspired condoms? Why? 

WELL I was wondering what that weird giggling and buzzing noise next to my toilet was..

Fifty shades of grey is a "new" book trilogy and described as women's porn comparable to mens magazines. Every now and then there has been news about this book in  the evening standard, metro etc. Apparently this book has started a sexual revolution. Women want and demand quality passionate sex. Sex is no longer a tabu in this country that has been brainwashed by medias sexual images  and now it's ok to actually have reality sex? Whoooooaaaah.... Lust full women attacking their men and begging for sex due to a book?  They have even predicted a baby boom for next year! 

This was THE centre of the gossiping among my colleagues today and that's why I decided that I really need to read this book. What makes it so special? Is it soft porn or a beautiful story telling about complicated relationships? It's time to find out the truth! 

I'm going to put the book to a test and report you shortly what reactions it awakens in me. Will the chocolates be enough or will I get crazy and so horny that I'll sneak upstairs to visit my hot neighbor and introduce myself to him with a bit more wilder approach? We'll see that in a couple of days!

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