torstai 19. heinäkuuta 2012

Let me tell you about my routines and especially about my travel to work. Because I'm in retail work it's really important to look presentable. It only takes max 40min. for me to actually literally hang around in the shower for 20min to wake my self up and then getting ready starting from blow drying my hair ending with adding some eyeliner.

And actually all of that feels like a total waist of time!  Every day for some reason I end up spending too much time on the computer finding that one song I heard somewhere and you know the result of that way too well:  "Oh s***! My train!".

So you run like a maniac down the stairs, to the train station just to realize AGAIN that the train has been packed full and you have to squeeze you self into the train. So there you are.

All commuter fitted in like sardines in a can. Having your nose in someones arm pit: "Would you mind moving just a little bit please?..."  and someone else poking your head with her book and being totally unaware what happens around her. These people are so used to this that they are lacking the sense of surroundings. Black eye or two in a day?..  Just normal! When your wife finds lipstick on your collar shirt? Just normal dear! The train was packed like usually!

And this point I'm sweating like a pig! For you inormation: London has humid like in the tropical countries. For a finn like me from a rusty windy, cold (and oh so FRESH!) country it's like finding my arse from a steam room. And it doesn't end up here. When you get to the underground:

That's where the mother of humid can be found. Then 5 min in a  bus and when I finally get to my work and look in the mirror: Mascara on cheeks, hair all curly, all foundation and powder sweated away and the shirt on me? Wet! (That's why I usually keep my work uniform at work.)

And still I end up doing this all again day after day...

Maybe this is due to my hair color?

And being a blond doesn't help that much. Fact is that in Finland I'm not even considered to be blond. I'm mouse-dishwhather-light-brown-what-ever-that-becomes golden blonde in the sun. Just for your information northern people: That is blonde in here. And now when I'm going back to my natural hair color that would be more easily handled when you don't have to remember to dye every month but only highlighted occasionally (That is what my blondest of the blond sister does to brighten up the color 'cos we don't have much sun up there)  or wash the hair with citrus and honey  it's really interesting to face peoples reactions. What the hell is the big thing of being a woman and having blonde hair?!
Reactions towards high heels and pencil skirt have also been a bit amusing. For me that's a working uniform and that's a working uniform in company's manual too.  But some people have been trying to find a deeper meaning for my outfit. 

I haven't acknowledged it before that  even thought London is really multicultural city underneath it's surfice it still sometimes represents "they and us" positioning.  People don't talk about it. It doesn't exist and yet it does.

I've been brought up in Finland where we really don't have social class system and "us and they" positioning is really minimal. (Folks back home: Yep... M-I-N-I-M-A-L ). This is literally all new to me. Our working class is actually lower middle-class. Or is there a class structure in Finland?

I think that if your born in Finland you really have the change to get as high as you wan't! It's not about to which socio-economical level you are born in or cultural background. It's all about the education and when it comes to education Finland is at the top margin. And it's even FREE! If you have the right attitude you can achieve what ever you want.

Over here couples having a baby are actually looking to move near good schools and saving cash to get their kids to universities etc.

Is the education the key to solve this "class system-problem"? Do we need a class system just because we are gregarious animals? Why people are so willing to put them selves in to categories? Does it make your life easier to have other people determining what you are and where you belong to instead YOU determining what you are and where you belong?

It's just fascinating to realize that your approach to the world really is naive. People still live in cliché way of thinking and add you in to one of their little "boxes".

The question is will I put myself into one of these boxes?  As a blonde pretty girl people expect you to look pretty, be a bit bimbo, flirt 24/7, have a loose moral and shut up when people talk about serious matters.

Don't worry sweethearts. Luckily you still will hear me talking latin, arguing about anatomy and weird philosophical theories in the bar at 2am!

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