tiistai 22. lokakuuta 2013

Once in a while you wake up to "live in a moment" and the time freezes for a split of a second around you.

Just like last week when the first thing that I did during that day was to swing with the kids, play hide'n seek and have a picnic under a big oak tree while it was raining then gathering myself to university lecture to DR and investigate the amazing anatomy of dissected heads and in the end of the day find myself at work adjusting glasses and giving style advice.... in the evening I stopped for a second with a small smile on my lips and started giggling to myself.

At least the day passing is never like the day before!

I decided to avoid sleeping with my windows open. There are some odd creatures outside. At least it sounds like it. Sometimes it sounds like a child is hurt (which always wakes up my motherly instinct...) and in seonds it changes to a wicked  witches laughter and from there to the spooky callings of an owl.

Yep I'm talking about the city foxes. More multilingual imitating animal is still yet to be found to beat the fox!

Just to save the remainings of my sanity I'll keep the window closed...

And the next video I just had to share. Those living in northern countries will understand this nordic idea of a romance 100%! 

And you wonder why I moved to London?... 

Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the simple gestures etc. But you just get bored if this is the highlight of your romantic relationships...

Oh those sweet memories!

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