Unbelievable how my work and studies can effect my blog writing! But no worries sweeties because mama's back!
Still working and studying my ass off as usual and still single. Not a many things have changed I must say. BUT I do live now only 10min away from the uni and have my very own (rented) bedsit in amazing safe and green area with lovely neighbours.
And I actually dated for a few months but unfortunately things can get a bit complicated. And no. Not a result from internet dating. I actually had a few dates from all of those pages and met interesting people. Some more charismatic then others and a couple of dodgy ones too. Dinners, stand up, drinks, parks... You name it! There are the ones that are really looking for something with all their hearts and those who simply uses it as sort of a game. Have to say that I now understand how some can find the other half from the cyberspace but also learned that it simply isn't my thing. I need to meet the person face to face. Eyes are the windows to the persons soul they say and I agree to that 100%.
Maybe now when I'm not looking I will be surprised by the most amazing, tall, dark and handsome gentleman with a bit bad boy in him.... OR I find myself again next to a neurology and clinical methods books wearing still yesterdays clothes and wondering why I didn't even bother to take my shoes off when crawling into my bed?
Here's a few moments from the last few months. Pictures tell more then thousand words!
When I had the change: Notting Hill Carnival! |
Dancing, music, people, sun.. |
Other times when not at work or uni revising in the parks. |
Back home in Finland. Parents place. |
Sometimes I do miss the sea. |
Well not the seagulls |
Helsinki = Blocks of flat Vs. Nature. Love it! |
One of Helsinki's landmarks: The Helsinki Cathedral (or the Church of Doom as we finn's know it.) |
Notice the population? Yep... and look at the logical architecture and city design. BOOM! |
From my old neighborhoods in Helsinki. Used to live around the corner! |
Helsinki by Night |
One of the best parts when visiting Helsinki: Catching up with my friends and my friends Mia's and Lauri's beautiful wedding music, dancing, games, international atmosphere... (with us being the nosiest table at the reception and me baking the famous hangover cupcakes. Delicious but the icing looked exactly like done by a hangover baker with terribly trembling hand..and why did all of us in our group have a extra bottle of the "strength drink" when finnish weddings are famous of having an endless supply of alcohol? I can always trust my friends!). The conversations with Mari reminded me again how lucky we are to face challenges. It wasn't a surprise to find myself with yet again getting these brilliant ideas with my friend Anne: Hangover dinner at McDonalds. (Gluten free!) and a desert at Hesburger (another fast food place). Why?!... And oh those amazing sangria spiced conversations and memories with Milja and Saara. Priceless!

Beautiful just married couple and the cake cutting. |
Fish, potatoes, summer salad... the beauty of finnish food! |
It was such a weird couple of days when getting used to London and routines again. After those days I realized how London has become my home and a big part of me. I'm always finnish and will keep the national characteristics exposed to the world (wether they like it or not...) but you can't take the London out of me anymore. (Or should I say me out of London?) Well anyway... this is my home now!
My home. Finally traditional London living! |
even got my coffee maker in MY kitchen! |
Marilyn or anatomy posters: Decisions, decisions... In the end didn't want to scare the possible suitors away! |
thanks to IKEA for making all this possible! |
Oi, heti iski taas iksu! <3 Kohta saat tän ryhmärämän taas sinne :D