maanantai 10. helmikuuta 2014

One of these mornings when all that you think is: "Wtf just happened?..." So there I was with my friend having just a 1 drink and ending up crawling home around 1 am....

I wonder why?....

The best part: Of course I almost started a fight as well: I saw a guy next to me taking pulse from his friend after 15s and after that taking our pulses in 5s trying to tell us that our pulses are around 80-90. So of course I had to check it out and calculate it for a minute instead of doing 4X15s an show off just to be literal again- (I would have been happy and settled without a problem if he would have been right (what he wasn't) and cheekily just smiled back and told him that he was wrong. Instead of laughing back at me he apparently took it personally and even me saying afterwards that sorry I can't remember the conditions and situation when 60 seconds is better to take in english etc.  due to the fact that I just came there to have fun with my friend and already had a few so it wouldn't be professional to keep on going about things I'm not fully able to do but lovely to meet you guys and sorry to interrupt etc. He decided that I'm not worth to talk to and started preaching how awesome he is and how he was trained by the best (I personally think that you shouldn't show of with the accomplishment of others...) and kept on going about that 24/7. Later my lovely friend Bexi just started laughing and pulled me aside "You're just trouble girl... Lets change seats!". Me also giggling about that situation. But hey seriously: Wonder why no-one seated next to them nor talked to them after that?... Have to say I was a bit shocked about his reaction. Some people just takes themselves a bit too seriously! Probably only a GP then. (Or a small mind?...) Specialists barely ever have the time to the gym nor to to have a few pints on a sunday. And here I go again taking the piss out of him...

People now a days just don't have no sense of humor! (Anne I know exactly what you're thinking and's me just sticking my nose to where I shouldn't and taking the piss out of people. Pushing the buttons purposely! I just can't help it! )
Johanna and the sweets. You cannot keep them separated for long!

 I also had my girls visiting from Finland which made my year!

Satu Found a friend!


Never ending stairs

Best breakfast ever
Lock's of love

My shoulder may be in pieces but I still found my gym again. The only thing that keeps me in my almost right mind! But man those people trying to approach you at the gym can be a bit creepy. Huffing and puffing behind you or saying silly things like: "That looks u doing?..". Just please let me workout!

 Yesterday I realized that the reason of me being single is probably do to the fact of me almost never going anywhere. (My blog is full of funny stories when I'm out but there's a reason I only write here occasionally and somehow after those lovely nights out...).

If I'm not studying, working or at the gym I'm babysitting! Babysitting has turned out to save my ass in this expensive city. And I have to say I love every single one of those kids! They keep me in the map of what is cool and what isn't and talking about enhancement of  the skill to live in a moment and appreciate the small things in life.. unbelievable how now I can see from just a single small lift of an eyebrow etc and know exactly what's going on in their little heads.

Yet again I've also been confused with the system and bureaucracy in England. Why on earth they make it so complicated?!..

How many english you need to change a light bulb= The answer is traditionally absolutely jolly good simple: minimum of 150 of course! You first have to provide suitable education for the individual with the levels from 1 to 3 (and this training is private of course and comes with a nice price..), then there's the board of light bulb changers who monitor the training and gives you all the permissions you need to get this act done. Don't forget those admin people who most of the time have no idea what they are doing and unfortunately always answer the phone when those in need of a new light bulb call...  You also need a supervisor for the light bulb changer and the supervisor of the supervisor and the different technical department who actually monitors this too! AND... ok. I think you got the point. 

How about how many finns you need to change a light bulb? ONE. And she's 6 and saw her parent doing it before. Simples!

The beauty in this complex system never stops surprising me. And I have to say: I respect the tradition and there are so many beautiful things that I hope will never ever change in here but oh my lord they are sometimes waisting the public funding for so many ridiculous systems that it's unbelievable. Me, the famous penny stretcher,  can say as an outsider observing all of this with my mouth open and my sometimes too straight forward mind work:


Talking about love and hate relationship here. Maybe filled with anger and confusion at time...I still call England my home.

But who am I to say anything?... 

I found the article about the scandinavia absolutely fantastic. The reactions of different ethnic groups to that have been colorful (and again I came to conclusion that some people jut take themselves a bit too seriously..).

And what is all that tabu conversations of the coo-operation between Nazis and finns during the 2nd world war when we were facing the soviet as well?... I think all of the countries involved to the 2nd world war see anything to with it as a tabu. Here's a picture to show the vision provided by a british
artist about the situation that time period.

Instead of making a massive statements or starting a revolution..etc. I decide now to pull my woolen socks to my feet and wrap myself with blankets and actually concentrate to my studies again. (Why always when there's a need to somehow get the certain information into your head I end up studying something completely different?...).

And just to let you know: I gained my trust back towards England and men again. More details about this may follow later...

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