That strange ritual of getting ride of your earthly belongings and cutting of your roots has started and I'm panicking here...
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From this.... |
"To whom shall I call and gossip 24/7?! It just isn't the same thing in finnish!"
"There' no-one to tackle at the finnish metro like here!"
"WHAT?! Everything actually works and I get from place A to B in time?!..."
"What will I do without that annoying english habit of not showing what you really mean/feel?"
"But I need my boots/organic vegetables&fruit store/gym/hairdresser.. And my favorite coffee?!... No one knows how to make it but that girl at the chamomile!"
"And I just love taking the piss out of people here!"
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to this. And still plenty to do. |
(You never know fromwhere I'll find myself in a year's time....)
Meanwhile I'll go to Finland without any signs of a job nor a house for myself. Talking about living on a edge?...

Night ended up being amazing filled with food, laughter and meeting new amazing people. What's not to love?
I will miss my home street. Safe...posh...pretty...nice. Beautiful.
Well... with the rent I pay now I can actually afford a 1 bedroom flat in Helsinki!
My perfect excuse for occasional stops in my morning run. Pictures. |
I'm proud to say that I finally started getting back to my workout routines. It'll take time to get back to the minimum of 3 times per week at the gym + 2-4morning runs but at least I'm on my way there. I just wish my shoulder wouldn't hurt so much when running... but what wouldn't be the best way to cut through that scar tissue and form some new quality tissue than extreme training? The body uses and forms what it needs so maybe in 3 years I'll be back in the game?
At times you just don't have time and I rather avoid that junkie than wash my laundry at late evenings. So there I was.. combined my short morning run with the laundry moment. How efficient is that?!
when a funny situation occured.
Those who really know me knows that I EAT. And I truly eat A LOT!
So when I was checking the time I thought that man I really don't have time to eat any breakfast due to some shower time and blow drying my hair so what a smart girl like me does?... Cafe time while my laundry spins around inside the dryer and back at Chamomile while ordering my soya latte and gluten free almond orange cake my sweaty presence awakens a few smiles among my fellow coffee drinkers.
The silent laughter started when the cafe employee forgot to give my take away cake and I stared at her demanding my cake with a firm tone in my voice:
The lady with her small boy smirked and laughed: "Yeah! That's the best part!" and winked eye at me.
Then it hit me:
I must have looked absolutely hilarious there with my sporty outfit, all sweaty and ordering cake. (It was a healthy cake!)
Moment relaxing drinking mint chocolate and enjoying the candles. |
So I'll prepare myself for the change by watching all the most funniest finnish comedy clips I can remember.
And for a nice finish for this blog update about me. Here's something that really made my day and made me remember that small things matter:
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