keskiviikko 13. maaliskuuta 2013

Have anybody else noticed the sickness of the "straight commercial" advertisement you get according with your social network status?

Every time I sign into Facebook  I get advertisement from many companies. Promoting such things like  shoes and clothes on sale. Maybe new workout routines and or fitness products but mostly of speed dating, fit hot singles - sides, info about amazing "diet programmers" that definitely will make me look like Riri. (Talking about reminding me of apparently being a desperate single...)

Now it seems that even companies like this have given up their hopes about me because what now a days flashes on my screen are adverts such like The World of Warcraft (why?...) , russian business meeting (even the Facebook thinks that I'm russian!) and health info "splashes" like Crohn's disease advising.  So instead of being a media sexy single I'm a russian WOW-geek who has 0 social life and  constipation?!

I'm not sure how to take this but...

And then I get emails about amazing holiday villas I should be booking now to get the best deals! So the other company thinks I'm a well earning city single? WTF?!

The truth is that on dating markets the university students may not be the most wanted ones with their empty pockets. In Finland students in their own way had the kind of hotness in them but in here as soon as I tell that I'm a student sudden desert surrounds me.

It's actually pretty hilarious when I hear people comparing cars, incomes, investments, properties, designer hand backs etc. like peacocks trying to impress all the near by females with their amazing tail feathers.

I've been trying to think something to say and use in those kind of situations but it all sounds a bit hilarious to me:

"Hey babe... I just loaded my Oysters travel card for the following week so we can have a ride around London. Just to be precise only zones 1 and 2. And just to add you actually have to pay your own travel..."

"WHAT? Who needs a cosmetologist?!" *laughter* "Where I come from we do everything (absolutely everything. Yeas Anne even the Repäisy..) all by ourselves!" (which reminded me of this fabulous blog and similar experiences. Thought I'm getting all the time more efficient with it!)

"This pair of shoes I found in a charity shop, my hand back is borrowed from my flatmate and actually these tights have 3 huge wholes but I just sneakily pulled them a bit higher so you can't really see them under my dress!"

"My fridge and pockets are actually so empty that no-one can beat my symptoms of malabsorption -list!"

Would it help if I with my small voice and broken shoes would add that in a couple of years I shall graduate and I have a huge potential as an experienced optical assistant AND osteopath? Only those with the will to "invest" and "take the risk" would be left to choose from?

Oh how I feel so wanted!

Why on earth people seem to think that material selling points are the main things when it comes to dating? Has anybody actually ever considered having a decent conversation with their significant other? I think that as a absolute plus if I can actually speak with the person I may marry and maybe even spend some time inside four walls without those awkward silent moments...

BTW flight tickets to Helsinki Finland: CHECK!

I'll be there in no time from the 18th of April till the 25th of April.

My calendar is quite empty around those dates so pls loved ones in Finland contact me ASAP so we can arrange something because I have roughly only a week to catch up with you before my return to London!

And by the way: 21st of April I become even more mature and wise. Year of the sweet 26 ahead so lets have a nice party shall we? (And back in London a catch up party later in the same month?)

I shall now return back to my dry coughing and revising of  biochem, nutrition, naturopathy, anatomy etc. (A.K.A. in no time getting distracted by Facebook and the TV show Revenge)

1 kommentti:

  1. Apus, kolmikon täytyy tavata jälleen! Oisko pe 19. pvä tai la 20. pvä mitään? Sit piletetään sun synttäreitä niin perkuleesti!

