torstai 14. maaliskuuta 2013

"Dear God,

How has things been? Thanks for all the awesome work you have done so far even thought your ways are a bit mysterious to me at times. Sorry for me being so quiet lately but you know me! Woman like a goldfish! Once started something and gone around the bowl... WOW! What is that?! ...Forgetting it and starting up again!  Tonight I have a lot in my mind and I'm sorry to ask so many things from you but honestly I'm not sure if my daddy can handle all these things:

First of all I hope those men sitting legs wide apart in the tube taking 2-3 seats will someday find a cure to their condition because it must be really painful (honestly I don't even want to know..) because they're sitting like that.

And could you please change the plaster jar some girls have on their dressing tables to a decent foundation? We have to also remember those poor girls who didn't apparently have anything else under their winter coats then a few too small pieces of fabric left and apparently have only carrots to eat due to them being so orange. 

I suggest that GP's would have customer service as a compulsory module in their studies. In my 2min appointments I would really appreciate at least 15s of eye contact and can you somehow also pop a news flash to people that unfortunately not all of those working in customer service have a degree in counseling. I'm sure they still try to do their best in this matter too. 

With the knowledge that you have so kindly blessed me with I also hope that during tonight a miracle is performed and all those weak gluteus muscles and stiff talocrular joints will get a boost and tomorrow the tube staircases wont be so crowded and you can actually get from place A to B in time and those taller people who think my head is a sort of a book/magazine support in the train/tube would get their eyes checked because there must be something wrong with their vision and the health of my fellow people is always my concern. Same applies to those who for some reason have mixed huge laptop and a small tabled with each other because in the rush hours the laptop is a bit too common sight.  It would also help greatly to cut those invisible chains between those wonderful and apparently very close groups of 3 to 10 friends who have decided to walk together like army front line through buzzziiiing streets of London. 

I just wondered about asking a few favors for me and my friends. Like you know I'm still studying and I noticed that it would be really practical to have eyes on my neck, back and ass to monitor the treatment room, couch, the patient and my own posture all at the same time!  I think that my classmates 100% agrees with me. 

We can't forget that poor boy who receiving my message nearly a month ago got so excited that fainted and most likely fell into coma because I haven't heard anything from him since.

Saint Paddys day is this sunday and me and some friends are going out! Btw that would be a perfect day to some how drop the man of my life in front of me.  As long as he is not wearing sexy leprechaun outfit and is capable of conversation I'm happy!   (BUT it would be really nice if he's tall, strong, handsome, smart, has a good sense of humor, great singer/dancer, billionaire, good cook, loves pets and unicorns, is a lawyer, doctor and a police/army man/fireman (any uniform is a plus), speaks 6 languages, has a mansion next to my university, underwear model, olympic swimmer, has title as an aristocrat as well as in boxing, loves traveling, is romantic, loves shopping.... )   

Thanks God you're a superstar!"

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