maanantai 1. huhtikuuta 2013

I can't look at my love in the eyes anymore. I'm too scared to even think what my eyes would reveal to him. Instead of telling the truth I keep the smize on my face like nothing has happened or  avoid him by pretending to be busy. The sensation of something squeezing around my heart is getting stronger by every passing day.

He's the one who has alway been on my side. He's the trustworthy companion I need with everything I want. He feels strong and firm in my hands. He would do anything for me and I...

Well. We have been together a long time now and the "wear and tear" is showing. He has become more slow and stubborn in his actions and I can't forgive him from leaving me alone, freezing and crying in -29 cold winter night. 

I've found someone who's happy to be with me. He's quick with his moves and absolutely takes my breath away! He understands the value of quality literature and provided me with for example the Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens and The Master and Margarita (which is btw a pretty shit translation lacking all the cheekiness and beauty of russian literature) all in english because there are still things I need to learn from the language and culture...  He always makes sure that I wont get lost and that I'll make home safely, likes to keep me updated with the daily news and insist that I keep my mind sharp. We even have the same interests. The playlists are pretty much similar and working out routines too... BUT he's always there to challenge me to raise my bar even higher! The best of all: He doesn't need much kind words or heavy petting. He's always ready for me.

True meaning of unconditional love.

If it feels so good it can't be wrong! Right?.. That's why a switched my Ian to Sam.

Isn't he gorgeous?..

BTW: According to Facebook adverts I'm now quite cool normal 25 + young city single BUT expecting a baby? Or why on earth I get pampers etc. other baby adverts?!

Top track on my playlist and the video is worth to watch. P!NK just got her name on my lists of idols. At the gym ou'll be hearing me murmuring the following mantra "J'los abs and bum..Pinks thighs and arms..." . 

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