maanantai 22. huhtikuuta 2013

People have been joking about me being the person who brought the spring with her because

Look and behold! All the snow has almost melted away!

I spent my friday just settling in, relaxing and preparing myself mentally for the evening. It was nice to see my sisters after such a long time. Program included some pampering in a form of professional make up session with a few drinks. I think we left a print to the professionals mind because we got such a good deals from the make up and extra info of some treatments. After that we headed to Cantina West to enjoy a proper meal and surprise surprise ended to my parents local pub to dance and sing absolutely beautifully.

I got the perfect birthday gift from my auntie: I'M A LADY! 
Night is not a night without some drama:
1.Jealousy and unnecessary fights. 
2. Apparently my mom has a inner cougar and young men were flirting with her pretty badly. I remember giggling a bit when I saw her dancing  with at least 3 men and trying to be so innocent afterwards. If you thought that I'm a flirt you should see my mom and sisters!

Well what can you expect when everybody in my family has an ego to fill a castle and voice to definitely make our points clear? 

On saturday it was nice to see the girls after such a long time and catch up what has been happening but hey what would change?... Conversation lingered yet again around men, relationships and what we're going to do when we grow up!

Some drinks, snacks, candles, deep conversations and authentic belly dancing! Unfortunately most of the group had work to do next morning or got a bit tired during the evening but it didn't stop me and Susanna having a blast. (As usual!)

Personally one of the highlights of the evening was the 3 am McDonalds GLUTEN FREE Mcfeast burger. Why on earth UK don't offer these? I love my trash food moments as much as others!

Karaoke moment
I have told you before about the finnish men. Well what I noticed is that the reason why you don't get that rude behavior and suggestions that much in Finland is actually the lack of any social behaviour. A long conversation with a finnish man usually includes a few grunts and maybe 5 words. Nice..

I actually met this one finnish viking like guy (blond, strongly build, only a few words) who was keen on spending some time with me. I made it clear that he shouldn't waist his time with me because I live in London. He let it be for the friday evening but we met again on saturday evening in another bar. He demanded to get my number
( And I do give my number if a man really shows
Gluten free burger!
that his interested) and even texted a few times to me that night. But as usual the man didn't recon that I don't live in here and in the early hours tried to convince me that an after party is a really good idea and tried to ask my address. I made it clear that I still live in London, one night stands are not my thing and actually started laughing imagining in my head how my dad would react when seeing a random man entering the hall way...
Example of these early morning pictures

Yep they look a bit dodgy but are so delicious! Variation on red velvet cupcakes. I should seriously consider of making business out of my gluten free bakings: I just got an order to make 100 of  these gluten and lactose free yumminess for my friends Mia's wedding next september. 

Mirja's & my brothers dogs

Best of the best is always visiting family.

It is always nice just to relax, enjoy the sun, eat and do absolutely everything together. Like sitting on the couch watching Telly with a plank look.

Oh gosh how I've missed all my family!

I feel bad of not seeing my nephews and nice growing up because those kids are brilliant. Crazy auntie visiting them every now and then and running around the house trying to get a kiss. Absolutely fantastic. But thank you Facebook and Skype etc. It's easy to be in contact.

It is amazing how hard it is still to show how much you care and to receive the compliments in my family? My sister called me a bit emotional when I told my youngest nephew that hopefully he's aware that her auntie loves him and of course I've been hugging and kissing absolutely everybody etc. It just isn't part of our culture to show emotions that much. We are people with few words and to show that you care about someone is in actions: Making sure they have food, place rest and they're comfortable.

Mari enjoying a smoothie moment with me

I didn't think that this visit would be as busy as the last one here I go again running around like a madman.

Actually I'm getting a bit home sick here...   But I'll enjoy the last days in Finland while I still can!

THIS week is all about my friends!

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