maanantai 15. huhtikuuta 2013

Sometimes a day of "nothing" is actually more action orientated then it seems. I'm still wearing my loose purple night T-shirt with my hair representing Tina Turner's hairdo and all I have seemingly done so far has been some excessive eating and watching some movies.

I was absolutely pleased to be visited by my very good friends and create new memories with them. Like placing the Victorias Secret shopping back on a visible but not too obviously visible place in my room for a possible man candidate to spot.
-"Yes all my underwear is from Victorias Secret...." 
When in fact I tend to ruin my underwear with my sport interests so it's more sensible for me to purchase anything from sale: 
-"Only £1! WO-HOO!"

And how about my a very VERY rare walk of shame through the city with last nights make up and party dress on, hair all over the place, wide hilarious happy grin on my face, butterflies in my stomach  and broken tights meeting my friends before them going shopping and touristing around London and me escorted through the Battersea by whistles and honks finally ending up to my own bed? Beauty and the sleep!

The best of all.  Anne thought about rewriting her CV drinking a bottle of nasty tasting wine is definitely an excellent and crucial talent and describes motivation and the will power of the person in question. Right?

Borough market time!
Just look at that relaxed pose! This attitude from Noora is one of the few things  I've been missing from Finland. 
When you get older you don't concentrate on alcohol that much anymore. 

The most noticed and closest of the tourist destinations here... Look and behold the wonders of the world!

Saturday night was a blast and thanks to Wowcher we organized a proper girls night out with half naked good looking guys. Sorry Scandinavian Hunks but you're nothing compared to Dream Idols!

Sunday was time for some relaxation. Refreshing drink Lemonade and lime in my hand, sun on my face and random tunes in the air. And of course some "small" bowls of fries to help to recover last nights fun.

Next: Some sleepy time to prepare me for the visit to Finland (and trying to find the inspiration to finish my essays...)!

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