sunnuntai 7. huhtikuuta 2013

The average woman would rather have beauty than brains, because the average man can see better than than he can think. 

The last few months have been a time of enlightments and heureka moments for me. I moved to London to gain experience, learn more and to find my life path. What I wasn't waiting for was actually the rediscovery of myself as a grown ass woman.  

Today Vilja hinted me about this documentary about misrepresentation of women in the media Miss Representation which to my point of view should be compulsory to watch and analyze in every home/school/hospital/shopping centre etc. I have always tried to fulfill the expectations of the world and others about me. No matter how much I studied different subject and got occasionally good grades, had ideas about politics/news/human rights/philosophy or learned people skill most of the comments I ever got was usually about my looks. 

I think that every woman has faced this situation in their life. They say that beauty is n the eyes of the beholder so why we still give a huge F*** about it? Why women are still valued for their looks? Makes me feel like a some sort of possession! Oddly it's ok for men to get fat, bald and ugly. Actually those things make them even more capable of carrying the wisdom of mankind and the great responsibilities of leader hood. 

Women are brought up with certain sort of expectations. To get married and have babies which is fine when you think about the biological facts but does the society give us the possibilities to choose differently?  The women who choose a career instead of the family are often described to be selfish and bitchy. Some people may want to get married for love and may not find their love or fell in love with their work. Can we blame them for that?! 

The torment that so many young women know, bound hand and foot by love and motherhood, without having forgotten their former dreams.  ~Simone de Beauvoir

Why do we even allow the following sort of saying to even become true?! 
Men get laid, but women get screwed.  ~Quentin Crisp 

Can we assume that the Madonna-Whore complex is getting even more widely spread among my and future generations? There are only two types of women. Good and bad. You marry the good type and fuck to bad type right? If you do any research about behavioral models and human psyche you may learn that human mind is more complex and full of different shades of gray than the simple black and white.  Don't blame the strong minded women like me or feminism if your virginal wife looks comfort and the warmth of a normal human relationship elsewhere when you try to perform in your never never lands logic. 

I do respect women AND men who want to save their virginity for their future companion but I also respect those who want to experience for themselves NOT for the media or expectation the society gives to us. 

What shocked me pretty badly was the rude behavior I got from men in here. And I'm not the only one. I have had a many conversations with a many young woman about the same subject. In a club you easily get rude suggestions and then surprised looks when you react like a self-respecting woman and slap the man on the cheek. If they ask your number and you give it to them, enjoy a little bit of dancing, maybe some kissing BUT DON'T GIVE THAT VERY SAME NIGHT there's no way you going to hear from that man ever again. Same thing if you go to a date and don't give to that guy... you're not going to hear from that man ever again. And if you do decide to give in your a bitch and a bad woman... and if you don't you're a frigid and not worth of their time. I still keep on wondering why on earth these young men behave like this. Has anyone ever taught them any manners? Would they want this kind of things happen to their mothers, sisters, relatives, friends..

Man as a woman you surely feel so respected in this world! This kind of behavior from men isn't that usual in Finland. Yes you icy stubborn homeland: in this matter you definitely get the points! 

But it's not all to blame the men. Yes men are easily mislead about the fancy big cars and lust for power as the greatest things to achieve but the absolute worse is how we women treat each other.

There is a special place in hell for women who do not help other women.  ~Madeleine K. Albright

Stop bitching about the beautiful neighbor/colleague/school mate of yours and admire her devotion to the looks 'cos she must work hard for that. How about that skinny tall blond girl who has as thick hair as a lion? Praise her instead of insults!  And the supermodels like Kate Moss and her not 100% perfection but humanity stop making the nasty comments. She's still amazing in my eyes and if I could ever look like her... OMG!

I bet that no-one of us women is 100% confident about ourself and our looks.  

BTW: I have decided one night out to act like young men act towards young women in the clubs and see what will happen. I'll report here in a couple of weeks sweethearts!

Because I'm a woman and there fore not to be taken seriously I chose to have a man to reveal the truth to you all. This man knows what he's taking about and says out loud the things what everybody really thinks in the deep corners of their minds. Especially the end part starting from min. 57 forward. 
Louis C.K. Live at Beacon Theater (2011)

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