perjantai 12. huhtikuuta 2013

The spring break is finally the oh so much waited little brake in the never ending uni-work-gym cycle. You know what that means?...  GIRLS NIGHT OUT!

Jaqs unfortunately got a some sort of stomach flu (that bitch..) but it didn't stop Me, Shauna and Vilja at all.

All you need for a good night out: 
1. Vodka (Bulmers will do if you have the alcohol tolerance as I have now a days..)
2. Disney karaoke
3. Some rolls to have the BOOM hair and casual BUT hot outfit for the perfect party look.

I'm just going to describe the night for you with a few words not to reveal too much but to give you an idea:

Almost empty bar/club, guy group offering drinks, Locking my bank card's PIN and running without a coat to open it at the closes ATM trying to concentrate while other speaks finnish and other Irish next to you. Wild dancing with a professor from Netherlands head close to the dance floor occasionally, Shauna showing us the right way to party. (Irish people the strongest mindest compared to finnish)

Vilja the Ace of matchmaking:
-Who's cute?...
-He... but I'm just going to try to concentrate to look straight and drink my vodka redbull...
-Yeah right... I'll go and speak with him.

So there I was eventually ending up kissing with a fit U.S.A army guy which may have been a lucky thing due to the fact that I was too busy "making a connection" with that guy when Shauna finding a proper pole dancing pole in the cub she tried to find me.
Results would have been breathtaking!

Suddenly: Forrest Gump running. "RUN KICKI! RUN!" Shaunas house, next day cooking the whole shebang  starters, meal and dessert. Even tough I tried to convince Shauna that a kebab could work just fine.. But no: Starters carrot potato soup, Chicken and mushed potatoes el finale strawberry  Pavlova by me! We successfully made a huge mess in the kitchen and Shauna ended up stabbing me. Well not actually stabbing but a piece of broken bowl slashed my little toe. (sorry for your carpets...)

Irish granny cleaning (Shauna style: everything on the floor, swipe to corner... and clean later!)

Coming home 6pm (finally!)and the hottest man passed me when yet again I was feeling so beautiful with my last night outfit, hairdo and natural boosty looks. Nice...

BTW: I really miss the smell of a man. Now being 3 years absolutely single that's the thing I really miss. And of course having someone to call and massage every now and then.  SO if you see me sniffing the man in front of me in the buss or rolling in a pile of used towels at the my local gym pls  call the white coated men!

That's why tonight is a perfect night to gain more memories: Nora and Anne are visiting me and tonight Loop is the name of the game. It's again me, Anne, Vilja and the signs of danger...

Update coming shortly.

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