tiistai 16. huhtikuuta 2013

One of these odd days at the gym:

1. when joining a class the PT there smiles wickedly at you stating "Oh yeah..... OH yeah!" when seeing you. Translation: "Last friday I nearly made you cry... can you still feel the pain in your body? that's GOOD because today your not going to walk out of that room in 1 piece!"

2. Somebody has apparently stolen my playlist to use at the gym. All the classics from the 80s and a few extras some here and there. Like Sia -She wolf etc. That was just ODD!

The monday workout was so bad that due to pain I couldn't even lift properly small weights when doing the rotator cuff, shoulders and rhomboids+serratus muscles so I decided to focus on, legs+gluts and functional movement training with additional dance stretching just to do something and not to look like  a big sweaty cry baby on the gyms floor.

Still the results this morning were interesting: Even breathing hurts!

I used my time yet again to the more crucial important matters and lost myself in the world of movies. I have always loved russian literature and the way how simple words and gestures can have so much meaning. No too much of drama and great impressions but the beauty in small words and looks and yet how much there can be emotions behind those.

Anna Karenina has definitely from my point of view followed well the story itself. Choreography, music, costumes, small words, the scenes, arranged marriage, logic, honor, jealousy... love.
(and again I wonder why on earth men's adultery actions are a small thing compared to a woman's one?!)

And not to forget to mention: Aaron Taylor-Johnson as the count Vronsky... HOT HOT HOT!

Event-ought english language has it's amazing ability to describe many things without any limits it's frailty lingers in lack of the fine line of pronoun you and more official honoring you. That's why Mikhail Bulgakov's Master and Margaret english translation was lacking the quirkiness and the true meaning behind those words but in this movie version of the Anna Karenina the director has some how captured the meanings behind the words. Of course Leo Tolstoi's original book will always has the winners place but just saying that finally something of that beauty of the russian literature has been captured and represented pretty well.

Therefore I found myself again teary eyed and all emotional. (My dirty little girly secret) What's better cure for that than some gym time?

I also happened to watch  OZ the great and powerful and realized how much I'm like Glinda. Seeing good in all the people around me and kissing the forehead. (The secret to that is the all positive invisible rose tinted glasses I wear 24/7. )

And of course mix the whole palet with Jackie Chang 12 Chinese zodiacs. Some Kung Fu in single girls student life would be pretty handy...

The spring is here!

My flight to Finland keeps coming closer and I already feel the butterflies. I already remembered the main thing which is to order the gluten free meal for my flight so the biggest question is:

-Tons of Fazer's blue chocolate!
-Some Lonkero the Finnish "soda".
-Mustard, sausages...
-My DVD collection, uni books, Iiittala - and Marimekko stuff.
-Some rye bread for Vilja.
-Of course the coffee pot for my Moccamaster.

Can you storage finnish spring's dog-shit-wet-snow just to show the English what a real spring smells like? They could even stop the never ending whining about the weather!

BTW: This time Facebook loves to offer cosmetic surgery and olympic weightlifting for me. (Anne it must be due to that pretty picture of me and you in that passionate hug before our girls night out! )

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