sunnuntai 10. maaliskuuta 2013

Every now and then the little green monster lifts it's head inside me brings out the strangest reactions to the most normal situations and during those moments rational thinking is the least of my actions.  I'm too embarrassed to give you the detailed list of my latest actions but let me enlighten you with a few words..

1. A conversation around dirty peanut buttery knife on a clean kitchen counter almost brought me to the point of breaking down to tears and nasty words.

2. A bimbo on her underwear and a blackberry in her hands sitting in my gym's sauna almost had a taste of the finnish fury and a bucket full of water on the hot stones.

3. A one day change in my all-ready-planned-schedule made me shout to the walls for half an hour.

And that's not all. I again sleep 10h-14h per day! But hey all I can do is to live in a hope that this will surely pass just like other nasty, bad and mean things that mom didn't tell about when you were a little girl. Right?

My days aren't all that bad. Plenty of stuff to laugh about: I have learned the right english way to be polite with sarcasm. Sorry, sorry... excuse me When moving through crowded areas actually means: Get the f**k out of my way!

You can always state that some food or treat is definitely a food orgasm but the ultimate statements about food is "Hey have you looked at this?... Orgasm by death!"

Ise is impossible with her passion towards some sports like F1. She screams like the most hyper fan! But who am I to judge her? I got all emotional while watching Cinderella man. Not only because Russel Crow is one of the most fittest men in the world (with Daniel Gred, Bruce Willis and..) That movie wasn't even live boxing! All of us have our little (and not so little) Achille's heels.

I had an interesting conversation about failure a couple weeks ago and of course my brains never did stop from thinking about it.(on and on 24/7) Here's the result:

Some people are so scared of failing that they restrict themselves of experiencing great new things that sometimes can be so called "once in a life time" experiences. I don't believe in failing. The way how I was brought up and trained never did give possibilities for failing. Failing is an utopia that can't simply happen. Of course you get setbacks and you may not make it at the first time but those things only teach you to be stronger, wiser and may give you even more better possibilities and open more doors for you that you never dreamed to be possible. It's all about how you take the sudden falls. Are you just going lay down on fire or get back up and make it to a proper fight or be the coward in the corner who's too scared to even try and take the risk? Basically are you going to let your "position" state your value or the opposite: Will you bring the value to your position? I may have scrubbed the floors and filled the shelves in my past but damn I was good in it! I rather have a few scars to show that I actually have lived than to be all "shine and new" my whole life without having a clue what life's about. 

Just like Mohammed Ali put it: 
"Inside of a ring or out, ain't nothing wrong with going down. It's staying down that's wrong."

That's why pushing a friend in a shopping cart on the cruise boat's hallway or dancefloor, drinking 5 jäger bombs in a rown then singing karaoke, sticking your hand in ants nest, running with bare feet from sauna ti icy lake in a winter and dancing on a table almost braking your ankle are all brilliant ideas! 

I have become more confident with my cooking and baking skills and not a week passes without me baking/cooking for a small troupe! Brownies, cornbread, cookies, king prawn & chorizo risotto, salmon with some roasted potatoes, pasta bolognese, lentil soup, beef stake and chips... You name it and I make it!

Couple a weeks ago we wen't to a pub on the west edge of London to witness our university colleagues band's live show.  A proper english pub with wide collection of different aged people all in harmony enjoying the night with a drink or two and some dancing. A got the honor to be asked to dance with a already silvery gentleman with the grooviest moves and amazing smile.  At some point we threw our high heels away and danced on the thick whole floor carpet on our socks so that the next day at work was definitely made interesting with all that muscle ache. 

Last evening after the late shift I found myself among my work colleagues enjoying a delicious meal and  raising a pint for Aneta who's moving on to new challenges (just like I shall do in very near future in another store with a more convenient commuting time!) 

At the moment the down side is actually trying to get to home from all these things and happening because I happen to live at the wrong side of the river thames. I seriously have to reconsider the location of my home base...

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