torstai 21. helmikuuta 2013

I just have to comment the biggest international issue (at least in Europe): horse meat. How surprising it can be that produced foods may include something that the ingredients lists don't tell. (otherwise there would be lists as thick as the holy book is on every single package you happen to pick up at shop... )

Yeah it is absolutely true that horse meat may be "spiced up" with a hint of doping. But are we people aware what they feed to our favorite everyday meat pork? How about beef? Add to the list chickens etc. Gene manipulated corn, steroids, parts of their fellow animals because throwing "the quality protein" would be too expensive (animals don't understand cannibalism right?) and so on...

Talking about the most necessary thing we'll ever need: Water! All those contraceptive pills women have been eating now around half a century... where do you seriously think the left over hormones will pour them self into? But...but..but they do clean the water and use really strong chemicals to do that. Right... chemicals. Much better option for us?! Now your thinking! (That's why I'm equipped with bobble due to the fact that I simply can't afford to buy bottled water every day.)

I may sound a bit sarcastic towards the whole situation and I do admit that this situation amuses me ever so slightly. The fact is that I had to learn the hard way to really look and understand what my food is made of. The symptoms I get from wrong kind of food aren't really that attractive.  I really hope that this scandal really wakes up the people to realize the value of really knowing what your food is made from and what you're eating. 

Don't get me wrong: I do enjoy my occasional burgers, pizzas, chocolate, candy, ice cream and absolutely love a good chunky stake! It's just using common sense to understand that the stuff you stick in to your mouth may actually effect your well being...

Ohooooyy Finland let me show you this!:

A tree branch picked up by my flat mate


Spring is my favorite season right after summer. You can see how people change and how everything awakes again.

Because it's spring time it's also the time to check your tax allowance and finances. (Maybe they start to bloom too?..) etc. So I made a phone call to the public tax advising number because I immigrated here only 9 months ago. Male answered the phone and with a strong irish accent explained me the situations with a stone cold professional manner making me feel like a stupid bimbo again. Like I have previously mentioned the UK bureaucracy is a some sort of art but the phone advising service does really take the edge even from that. They really know their job but how can anybody sound so fed up with their life and at the same time by speaking you like to a child make you miserable as well?! He made me make the first financial professional decision of my life: I'm going to get somebody else to deal with my tax things!

It's hard to explain people here that even thought I may speak pretty good english I don't always know what to do or react in different situations. This is somehow slightly different dimension for me.

In spite of all I have done at least something right. One of my essays came back with an excellent mark. The other one didn't satisfy physiology lecturer with it's way too much psychosomatic-hold-spiced-up -blog-like writing and my own ideas. Marking straight from the other end... whoops. But hey lesson learned if you wan't scientific text I'll give you exactly what you want.  

In hard times like this I can always trust my gym. Gym's my personal councilor! Just like last wednesday when I felt pretty much frustrated, angry and pissed off by a person who's way too much words than actions..

Because Zumba was cancelled: first running my self to the state of exhaustion with some H.I.I.T work out, functional training with weights to get the left over anger out and relaxing stretch session and gossiping with one of the girls from Zumba. = Perfect!

Now I can actually prepare myself for the work filled weekend with a genuine smile and not that sweet wide lunatic smile with a scary doll like eyes. 

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