maanantai 11. maaliskuuta 2013

I decided to dedicate todays writing for all the single girls (and guys) out there! As a girl who usually never stayed single for long since the oh so sweet age of sixteen, the girl who have been engaged and  being single for over three years  I have a lot interesting stuff to share that I think many a people may find for some awkward reason fascinating.

Some people in a relationships may sometime think that single life is fascinating and full of excitement. Media forces us to believe so too. Shameless flirting, nightly parties, good looking people and no worries at all. The world is your oyster and you're free to do what ever you desire!

Unfortunately the life of a single isn't always that media sexy as they make us believe.


1. Forgetting to shave/wax/ tidy your eyebrows/remove the chocolate stain from your cheek when going out, cleaning the flat/room for "surprise" visitors etc. 
You know how many times the previous things have happened to me when the dream guy decides to pop into my life...... and he just passes you without a second look and continues his life.

2. Eating food with hands and other strange ways like slurping the soup or first joggling with the meatballs before you catch them with your mouth open and the million dollar grin after a successful "goal"...Yep Forgetting the common polite manners.
After all the habits you have adapted to you get invited to a classic date in a fine 5 star restaurant and you stare at the table and all those "tools" with a terror and try to find the closest exit...

3.  Forgetting how to impress a man

Instead of being the fragile sweet girl, looking at the guy with a worshiping gaze in you eyes and complimenting him to be the strongest man in the world when he carries my handbag and the groceries I now a days tend to challenge the guy to a wrestle match or  test the size of the bicep and if the guy fails my test I look at the guy down my nose and say "is that all you can do?"... Thank god I haven't been in the army! God knows what I would be like after that. I already have the queen-attitude. (I must admit that in a past few years I have learned to disguise this feature in me simply by keeping my mouth shut and smiling...)

4.  Meeting the men that daddy always warned about.
Been there, done that, seen all!

5. Being the woman mothers warn their sons about.
Do I even have to explain this one?..

6. The mystical "Don't answer" - numbers on the phone.
The most exciting moment is to see the "don't answer" number flashing on the phone screen and the rough memory of some guy. First thinking why on earth you put his number in the "don't answer" listing, second though and reality flash: THERE IS ALWAYS A GOOD REASON FOR THAT.
The most awkward thing of these numbers is when they keep on flashing 2 months after the likely day you gave your number forward and you haven't answered at any point to these calls... You just stare at the screen and think: Why?!

7. When meeting one of your "fine" ex-dates the panic of finding the closest exit to avoid awkward talking situations.
These moments usually happen when you're on a sunday walk with your mum/dad niece etc.

As you can see not always so nice and comfortable. The worst is that  at some point you actually develop a relationship phobia and fly from flower to flower or run around the world avoiding all those lassoing attempts. Then when family nor friends just can't be there fore you realize that you're all alone hugging your colorful cuddly owl all by your self when in a relationship you could actually make a phone call and BOOM have somebody there for you.

(Interestingly some men do believe that they can run wild and free and have the relationship support/love/understanding/massage&kissing" when they feel like it. This hasn't happened to me one or two times and it never stops amusing me. Boys there's only one answer for that: *mean wicked laughter ..and deleting numbers*)

The truth about those hard-core-party nights:  In Finland we have a saying that woman is the wolf to another woman. And it literally means that. The moment when you step in to a club with your girlfriends the situation is simply described with Coolio- Gangsters paradise. Who has the volumized hair? Highest heels? Sharpest nails? Tightest dress? Biggest boobs?.. It doesn't help at all if you're not in that mood but jump all over the place with your naive blue eyes hugging everybody and thinking how nice everybody is an keep on dancing using the 80's robot movements. Not at all... Man it's a war out there!

No matter what you do you will always be too pretty, too ugly, too sexy, too stupid, too blond, too short, too funny, too smart, too loud, too quiet, too sober, too drunk, too happy, too smiley, too blue etc...

You just can't please everyone can you?

I actually love proper nights out and the shoe-hair-make up-dress panic (like my poor flat mate so well knows "This or this?... Or what do you think about this?..") and the time you prepare and pamper yourself before leaving the flat. An exemption among all the routine days! You eventually probably again dance so much that you sweat the make up of, brake a heel and look like a troll in the end of the night.

So don't take yourself too seriously. Much more fun and you may end up gathering fantastic memories on the way.

 End of story.

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