keskiviikko 14. toukokuuta 2014

Only a few things in the world makes finn emotional:

1. Boost
2. Ice hockey
3. Sauna
4. Maybe getting married/the birth of your first child etc. big event in the life of a finn. 

The world champion ship in ice hockey have again started like every single year in the past and of what a start it has been...

Finland 2-3 Latvia : WTF FINLAND ARE YOU SERIOUS?!

Game without pint of sider and nachos is nothing! Right Vilja?..
Finland 2-4 Russia: Quoting Erkka Westerlund  the head coach of Finland's team: "I didn't realize we were playing against two countries...".

Headshot hit made by Shipachev is completely acceptable according to the swedish judges.  Yeah right.... next day committee decided to set a Shipachey on a bench through russians 3 next games. That's how fair life is. Thanks for ruining our game! Putin's money finding it's way to swedish pockets or what?... (On next day I told my colleagues that I wont serve swedish nor russians that day. You got to support your team right?)

Finnish people are known from or no-time-for-softnes and never giving up attitude. The nordic stamina SISU show it's face on yesterdays game that ended well:
Finland 4 - 0 German.

Serious looks of finns. Ice hockey isn't anything to joke around with.

Now couple of weeks later from my holiday in Finland  I can proudly say that routines have yet again tamed me and it's easier to keep the emotional storms in my own knowledge only. (At least I think so..)

Yet the cultural differences never stop fascinating my over analytic mind:

Yesterday when getting home I noticed a mouse on the tube tracks and tried to have a closer look. A man next to me started up a chat about vermin and ever so fascinating pigeons that according to him have learned to use district and circle lines. Smart animals! After a lovely conversation we separated with "have a lovely evening"- greetings and smiles. 

That just doesn't happen in Finland! Only those crazy people chat to each other. I remember speaking about this with my dad and he with enthusiasm told me about his new "friends" (neighbors going to work at those strange early hours catching the same bus as my dad does) and how they even change a few words:

"It's cold today"


"Apparently getting warmer..."

In my previous post I mentioned that the non-verbal communication still keeps me completely puzzled in England.  Especially when it comes to the line between being friendly or actually attracted because in Finland this usually is really simple: You approach the person you like and make your intentions clear. (Sometimes in questionable way.. but at least it' so much clearer than in England). 

And when it come to being honest: We finns are professionals in it. One of my friends Yasmine told me that when ever she wishes to hear the truth she will ask the question from me but when she wants to make sure she will get a positive feedback she'll ask from anyone else.  

How about that urban legend of stone faced finns? Let me assure you that it's actually absolutely true. We are friendly and most of us are happy to socialize but like I told you it's more about the body language what other cultures seem to use less in communication and we finns believe that showing our emotions or to unload our hearts to say is no-one else's business. I've been observing people for a long time and some things we finns like to keep inside. It's not polite to burden the people around us with our emotions whether they are good or bad it's better to stay quiet than load other peoples personal space with our life events. 

You will never see a finn begging for attention, asking help or anyones affection. If you see a finn loosing a limb in a terrible traffic accident he will still probably try to assure the medics that his ok and crawl back home. Finnish person lost in a big city?... last thing is to ask help with the directions? Love of his life dancing next to him?... He definitely wont throw himself to that persons arms or sing serenades. He probably just continues dancing, drinking and acting cool! (But those small careful eye contacts and a twinkle in his eyes will reveal him).  And when he has drank enough alcohol (read himself under the table) than the amount of emotions will blow your mind!

Again from the finnish songs you may understand more than the face tells. Here are a few examples of different messages. 

Happoradio - Sinä ja Hän (lyrics):

Anna Puu: Nuori Loiri (Lyrics)

Erin- Vanha nainen hunningolla (lyrics)

Shauna got her treat & price after submitting her coursework.
What's better than a old school milkshake? 
On my day off I found myself not from the gym but with good company and delicious food! 

Shauna and Beth made their best trying to explain what runs in the minds of british and Shauna again surprised us with her life advice when we were discussing what I might do if I'm not able to work as an osteopath:

"Kiki.... you seriously don't have the patience to work as a nurse and follow someone else's rules.."

We also came to conclusion that Barbie animation movies are awesome! 

Gluten free chicken-mushroom salad wraps ended 
up being much more delicious snack than my attempt 
to get gluten free chips with cheese and bacon
They even gave us balloons!

Frankie & Benny's is a chain of old school restaurant with a rustic edge to them. Have to say that we got good food, fun and amazing service and spent nice cathing up time in the Frankie & Benny's at O2 centre in Finchley Road.  

I decided to give up from my dilemmas and continue healthy living with even healthier attitude. Lets face it:  I'm never going to be a slim 2 meter tall gazelle legged bird boned ballerina. there's some serious anatomical challenges here....  so BOOM:

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