maanantai 5. toukokuuta 2014

Spring and the ever so sneakily approaching summer lightens up peoples minds and undresses everyone mentally, emotionally and physically to embrace the warmth and hope that sun awakens.

Unfortunately today I got absolutely traumatized by man boobs. And I'm not speaking about A pair of man boobs but a whole army of those! Government please do something! That leaking of estrogen from medicating women and causing gynecomastia is way too literally hurting my artistic eyes! I actually pity those poor guys and for a second thought about approaching one of them to offer my bra to give him some support. (That movement was seriously that bad...) when I remembered that men may not appreciate floral pattern.

This is the footage from my beautiful day off.

Food, food and more food... around 4pm I was in a shape to actually cook something.

My colleagues don't really appreciate this treat but it's amazing! Salmiakki the sweet beginning and salty kick in the end. True finnish candy!
Some Sherlock time and solving murders followed by a total stop thinking and enjoy movie  Magic Mike.

BTW Been thinking about social cultural differences and found this video. I may be a chatty bubbly person for a finn BUT in a situation where you should make a contact with a person that your interested of this happens...

This is a finnish comedy clip about our social skills. A customer arrives to cafe and the lady behind the till the customer looks like a really lovely person. "It would be brilliant to spend some time together and who knows maybe become best friends?". While the customer tries to order some ice cream the cafe workers lip gets stuck on the front teeth, she burns her mouth on hot coffee and tries to calm herself down from social panicking by thinking that she's an octopus on the bottom of the sea. Then she steps on a loose floor board and to inform the customer that the noise wasn't a fart does that plenty of times until she gets her courage gathered and tries to ask the customer for  walk in a forrest to look for some mushrooms etc. she faints...

When the ambulance arrives customer explains to the paramedics that the cafe worker farted a lot, eyes flipped weirdly in the back  and for some reason her tongue rolled out. What was a shame because the cafe worker seemed a really nice person and who and it would have been  nice to walk in the forrest looking for some mushrooms with her. 

And this is something that only us finnish people with our sick sense of humor would do. (As long as we don't have to speak to someone face to face and we can write all's good!).

Us finns we're just funny people. You know what I did when I saw that somebody booked a seat NEXT to me on my return flight. Not a aisle seat but NEXT to me? Of course tried to get an empty row for myself. Who dares to book a seat next to anyone c'mon! It's always the window OR aisle seat. Not the seat next to anyone! I'm there to fly back home. Not to chat with random people... 

My expression on every flight I make when somebody tries to chat with me

I absolutely love my friends at work. When  I'm grumpy, stressed out or feeling blue they actually try to make me cheer up again with silly jokes, hugs and dancing.  The thing to remember to do once in a while is to count all my blessings. 

Been torn between two countries and god knows how many cultures is not always easy. Who know what the future throws on my way and where I'll find myself?

In depressive times a girl has to remember to spoil herself and get that Marilyn Monroe moment: "I maybe wearing a boring work uniform BUT guess what I'm wearing underneath?...". And a pay back time to those sneakily trying to open up my bra when I'm dancing in the bar. These wont be opened that easily! HA! And as soon as I learn this lock mechanism I can actually wear one of these....

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