keskiviikko 7. toukokuuta 2014

There is a good reason why I avoid doing my laundry in the evening times now a days. Once again waiting for my laundry to go through the last drying moves in it's Le Dance the Clean Clothes for Kiki when he stumbled in again.

He stared the room with cloudy eyes with an empty relaxed expression on his face. At this point I tried to make myself part of the chair I was sitting on and pulled my shoulder to my ears begging he wouldn't see me. He managed to fall on a chair near by and silence filled the launderette. The clock started ticking in my mind and my raising heart beat filled my head with loud noise like staying in a rock concert. I got to get out... and soon! It didn't take much time when the familiar monolog and his  fragile approaches for human contacts started.

"Oe! Darling... What's the time?!... The exact time!...".
"There they are... just staring at phones...".
"...My girlfriend.... she just should have understood to be quiet... yeah maybe I drank five beers... six?.. nine... NINE STRONG BEERS!".

My laundry finished it's spin and quickly I shoveled all of it to my ikea bag and with head up strong determined steps walked out of that place. I heard a thumb from the window he knocked after I left.

First time I met him he eventually sat next to me whispering words that could impress me. Such as:
"You're so pretty.... scandinavian?.... such a pretty girl..."
"...You got a boyfriend?..... if you do he is a lucky chap..."
"... I actually have my own washing machine you know..."
The last one actually still makes me laugh. I have heard it all: I'll treat you like a queen, I'll bring you the moon, I have 5 cars/holiday villa, I earn so much that...blaa blaa... But never that they have their very own washing machine!  You probably get the point but it's not funny anymore when a stranger has to save me from the situation and escort me close to my home street. Bless her for doing that!

Whoah! Attention England now it has scientifically 
proven that migration hasn't effected to crime 
rates that much.
I've never eaten sushi in places where there's a spinning thingy in front
of you and you actually choose what to eat... so delicious! And such a
good deal.  Thanks to Satori restaurant Kingston! 

I found my way to the south side of the river. Kingston again and spend the day with Jaqs: gossiping, shopping and enjoying snack or two. 

BTW had to say that England beats Finland with the prices of clothes and variety in  the lingerie collection 10-0. I can actually find some decent lingerie in my size without feeling like a grand mom or a prostitute! Like I did today just like couple of days ago. It all starts from the base right?...

Left my running gear in finland hence 
the source of my new work out

The beauty in a rose in it's bloom is undeniable. The streets
at my area are filled with beauty and  intoxicating floral fumes. 

Some candles to set me on the relaxed state of mind
Once a baker, always a baker. This is the literal proof 
that I'm settling back in London after my long holiday 
in finland. Life wins after all!

Jaqs found me a THE shirt shouting my motto. Couldn't do anything else but to buy it. ..

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