sunnuntai 4. toukokuuta 2014

I'm pretty sure I have a  London depression. I live here. I work here and I know how things go around here but there is the small thing missing...

Holiday did me good and how I loved to see my friend and family. And the nature of Finland!

Best treat ever. Chocolate almonds by Punnitse ja säästä. (Best shop ever by the way!)

At least somebody loves my hands
My holiday included visiting people who are close to my heart so many parties that my liver almost exploded and huge amounts of good food and still plenty of recharging silent moments watching the TV with my parents with a blank mind,  running in the woods, sauna time and just enjoying the moment.
Big bro and Mirja came to see me with their dogs
Mari's birthday was amazing!
Buubly sunday brunch
The last meal before my flight Liver-rice etc. bake 
Best part without any hesitation is that small knowledge how things really go around. The language doesn't only include vocals and consonants. It's all about the hidden meanings. I may speak such a good english that I can pretend that I've been living in London for ages or that I'm english BUT I still don't get those small hidden messages. In Finland I can keep my eyes closed and still know what's going around me. Best of all: I can be silent and no-one thinks there's anything wrong with it.

That's the biggest difference between England and Finland. In England there's plenty of fancy words and filling of silent moments and unexpressed emotions hidden in general politeness when in Finland things are in there or they're not. Simple! There's no maybe. It's yes or no and you better make your decision now or you loose your chance. 

I still wonder how on earth England ever made it to the top of world in the past. Efficiency is not a word I would ever use to describe England. 

Last night I went out with my colleagues and watched a man getting completely jealousy mad due to a misunderstanding and a man still badly hooked up with his ex that he doesn't properly realize that life with full of opportunities is sliding through his fingers. 

I want that! I want that amount of silly emotions in my life. 

And holding a cheeseburgers in a night bus after an amazing night out maybe entertaining but in the end not that fully fulfilling. (I did that during my Finland visit too and they were sooooo delicious after a night of dancing, throwing drinks on someones face who just didn't know how to appreciate women and silly textmessages to Eija)

What you end up missing can sometimes be surprising and now when I have to question everything that I've taken full granted, like a working shoulder, I sincerely have been thinking of relocating.

Coming back to England and it's almost summer

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