torstai 7. elokuuta 2014

Last days in Finland I spent relaxing doing the things I missed of doing. Sorry guys to whom I didn't meet make time to catch up this time. I'll promise I'll be there again this year.

As I previously mentioned Suomenlinna is one of the places I adore. So after two year I finally made it with my big sister Mia.

Legendary gossiping with my amazing big sister

Some serious posing...

Holiday's about having that 1 ice cream everyday

These caves and tunnels I know like the back of my hand

Rocky "beach" I've been brought up with

The beauty of the nature is breathtaking.  Not as bold nor huge but it's all about 
the small details without shouting out loud. 

I was lucky to catch up with my big brother. He warned me that he maybe traveling around Finland with Mirja and the dogs but he got back in time. 

So what else can you do but an old school barbecue? 

The big personalities: Malla, Minttu and the newest arrival Sella. Amanda's missing from
the picture. When the whole lot greeted me at the door I almost got swiped off from my feet.  

I spent the last day in Finland with Topi first having the legendary crepes with whipped cream and strawberry jam for the breakfast (there were some watermelon and grape fruit too just for the vitamins) but the rest of the day's mission as "the white whales have landed" at the Kumpula outdoor swimming area was the icing on the cake. Something to do before all the stress would come crashing down on me back in London. There are so many things to think about and to do. Rehab, getting back to routines, adapting to work with the new protocol and thinking about the future. 

BTW I also learned that I'm not allergic to wasps. While sun bathing I felt a small sting and actually thought that the red ant had found my arm extremely delicious but later on found a dazzled wasp on my blanket... (Topi killed it when I in a girly way stepped aside and cried.) My pain tolerance is apparently a bit fucked up. Or the pain medication I take for the night is more effective than I thought. 

The flight back to London wasn't as exciting as usual and I would have rather stayed basking in the sun and eating some pancakes but noooo... Kiki no! It's rehab time!

And yes I decided to act like slightly more upper classy snob and take a cab instead of the tube and I did order everything to home. I mean everything. And actually I'm glad I did. Not sure is it the cultural shock, water, painkillers or what but my new rehab-recovery-anti-inflammatory lifestyle just got a kind of a fasting boost. It seems that your body always knows what's best for you.

But I'm glad I took the cab. All that chocolate I brought with me weighted like tons and the best part about the service in the cabs is that somebody always lifts the bags in the vehicle and off from it. You can only imagine how good it felt to sleep on my orthopedic mattress again. There's always something special about your own nest

Apparently I chose wisely. Even thought I've been pretty active, exercised and tested the limits of my shoulder my dashing physiotherapist got concerned about the weakness and recommended me still to rest. You learn to know the look therapists have when they think that there's more into this and not all have been written down... So I got list of exercises to do with highlighted instruction to do them in my pain limits. And those who know me understand how difficult that can be. That still didn't stop me doing the old fashion "I'll be just fine!"-move and crashing on the floor pain darkening my mind for a few minutes.

Once an old school athlete, always a old school athlete: "Pain...what pain? The workout just makes me emotional! " Even if I may not look like it at the moment. I can guarantee you that if this doesn't teach me to listen to my body a bit more nothing does and at least I'll be a bit more fitter level again. But not too much due to me loving my curves!

I tried to have a last taste of sinful pizza
but my gut just said no and continued
stubbornly water&juice fasting.
Another batch of organic vegetables&fruits

So it seems I got another week to recover and do "nothing" that means a lot of KIKI the owl scripts, drawing, reading and trials of exercising that'll end up me feeling a starting migraine. It would be much more easier to have a normal pain tolerance. 

We'll see how much of chocolate I got left after this week...

Here's a good song for the days to come!

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