maanantai 11. elokuuta 2014

When it's pouring cats and dogs there's no other options but to stay inside. It's absolutely normal to sleep, eat chocolate and watch movies 24/7. Or not but that's exactly what I've been lately up to. Mentally preparing myself to the hectic work routine when having a private moment at the loo is considered a blessing! 

I recommend to watch the movie Her directed by Spike Jonze. Not only did I continue my truly emotional movie cry marathon but also laughed and started to believe that humankind can actually make movies without the classical cliché positioning, roles and explosions.  Peter Bradshaw is one of a kind critic and  his review about the movie in The Guardian resembled Ruy Spaeth review at (Funnily enough Bradshaw made his similarish to Spaeths review a few weeks later... Just saying!). Both are annoyed about the cheesiness of the story that somehow reaches eccentric levels and OMG they hate the high pants, glasses and mustaches. Both also seemed to find this movie a bit too much "I want to be something"-kind with it's bohemian hipsterish style. To be honest I think that both of these guys have been surrounded by a lads-culture  and haven't really had a deep meaningful relationship. No... knowing few sophisticated words and mingling around with everyone-repeats-like-parrots clichés doesn't make you a genius. That makes you a parrot. So lets keep things simple.  I DISAGREE. I can't get enough of these movies that are cheesy and sentimental but also wakes up conversation about the roles between genders. About the scene and outfits? C'MON! It's simple: When a guys speaks about emotions and being vulnerable it wouldn't be cool look like Vin Diesel and kick ass at the same time. Not socially acceptable in this century! (would be ok for me buuut....) You have to be the geeky, wear those ugly pants, glasses and have that creepy mustache otherwise the audience simply wouldn't look at the movie for a second. 

For me HER was movie that investigates relationships, loneliness, their meaning, the growth as a human being and how we get these ideas how someone should be or the environment tells how things should go without actually realizing that the other person grows, the negativities may turn to positivities and yes it's absolutely possible to grow apart but why not to grow deeper into each other as well? The thing is to let yourself and the other/s grow and evolve. I rather have more of these movies than another action blood filled movie. Actually I have to take that back... I don't mind those testosterone filled clips as long as a greek god bodied-like Bruce Willis, Hugh Jackman, Jason Statham, Daniel Greg etc. are in the lead role! There's a limit to the pool of my tears and sentimentality as well. 

I'm considering of getting a dog. I'm pretty sure it's my hormones kicking in or I'm just getting fed up speaking to the walls... First I may have to consider my accommodation to be more dog friendly. That more likely includes me relocating to greener lands.

Here's a few clips that just melted my heart: 

My shoulder surely hurts like hell but today I managed to lift my arm above 90 degrees. Not entirely anterior nor lateral flexion but still I got so exited about it. I have hope! Hope that my arm will one of these days work again. May not be shiny'n new but if it works 90% efficiently without pain I'm one extremely happy girl!

BTW Go and check this out: The oxford boys really know how to move.

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