keskiviikko 27. kesäkuuta 2012

Finally the moment you all have been waiting for! Story of my midsummer day in london:

I'm a hard working girl and of course I worked till 6.30pm. After that I fetched a few bottles of sider, some snack and took the first bus towards the nearest tube station to find my way to Hyde Park.

Some background information.
As usually I surfed the web and pitied myself of having maybe the most lonely and boring midsummer in years when I found this Finns in London web side. "Wait a minute... I'm not ALONE? There're OTHERS too? And their having a midsummer picnic with the swedish this saturday...? I'M SO IN!".

I didn't know this people. They could be total freaks. Sugar daddies waiting for some blond girls flesh? I didn't care and hey c'mon! If you never dare to do anything you'll miss quite a lot opportunities in your life and really. What do I have to lose? I'm a stranger in london, I have no possession or not to mention social life at all...  so why not? I can't spend my life working and spending all of my free time in the gym or nose attached to books.

The people were amazing. (so finnish but amazing anyway). Drinking, talking, dancing, eating... just marvelous!

When posing in a picture my thigh against this guy, this guy got so exited that with intensive passion and enthusiasm reached further with his hand and pulled my leg even harder against him and in seconds you could hear this tearing noise...

Yeap....That was my work uniforms skirt.

And my way back home was as interesting as always. Around midnight I decided to leave the pub and head back home. It was rainy and cold but luckily the bus stop wasn't too far away. Suddenly this one guy offered a space under his umbrella because we were walking to the same direction. "Yes! Now I won't look like a wet dead rat!"

We talked about all sort of things like the weather, working in London, what are you going to be when you "grow up"etc. Then it happened again... "Do you have a husband? Maybe boyfriend? Do you wan't kids? How many? Are you going to get married?... Maybe we could meet again? etc."

Sorry but he wasn't exactly my type and seriously..... who starts asking that kind of questions after 10min conversation?!

Where do I pull these guys from?  Do I have a something written on my forehead like OLD MAID A.K.A.  LOST CASE. Or is it so that curvy figure attracts those willing to fulfill "the great plan" and fill the world with offspring?

Yeah definitely someday and with the right guy but luckily I'm not THAT desperate yet that I would take the first guy who suggests it. HA! (But maybe the second one?... )

And folks in Finland Pls do some barbecuing, sauna+nude swimming and drunk sailing on my behalf! Ok?

I'm  not sure how the people would react if I some beautiful summer day I would jump drunken and totally naked to Battersea Parks pond scaring the ducks and singing some finnish schlager or if I would spank the people with self-made birch whisk while dressed as a sauna shaman murmuring some ancient spells or if I start a wildfire in some of Londons parks due to passing out (again one of my "good ideas" of having the dessert wine before the dinner) while barbecuing.

 Kisses and hugs from London!

perjantai 22. kesäkuuta 2012

Ha! Finally a real official letter from my college that I shall start my studies next September with the blessing of Plymouth University. They shall be amazed of the range of movement of my neck! They are absolutely everywhere. C'MON! Good looking gorgeous men! (I know what to wear next Halloween: I'll be an owl!) Only if my head doesn't drop of my shoulders before that..

Anyway..Unfortunately the pub and junk food culture shows around as well. I have never seen so many beer stomachs and man boobs in my life!

They are so fair in the pubs that the pint is usually always FULL. Nothing like the finnish style of keeping everything half empty. (Why we finns let our emotional depression effect also to the pint sizes?)

It's unbelievable how much they sell trash food here in the stores. Sometimes it's really hard to find something decent to eat besides crisps and produced foods. How come they eat crisps even for a lunch?!

The western laziness has gone so far that you can order everything from the shop as a home delivery. I myself got so exited about this thing because (now no-one will have any idea of my drinking habits..) it's really exhausting to carry all the food I can eat from miles away... Now I can order everything straight to home without braking nails OR shoes!In Waitrose you can even add instructions for your personal shopper. My imagination got a bit wild at this point:

"Could you pls check that the tomatoes shine nicely in the rainbow colour?.."

"...last time my salads aura was too stuffy and it seemed that it has been surrounded by bad energies. Could you pls sing some nice songs to it before bagging it  just to make it feel a bit happier?"..

"I wan't my pork to be nice and tender... nice to touch... "

"I wan't my cucumber look strong and brisk!"

"Pls hide some personal surprise in my shopping bags!"

You know the feeling when:

The english are so polite that they keep on reminding you how blond you can be: 

1. This independent woman wen't to Boots to buy some hair-, face etc. products. In 5 min I had quite a lot of stuff in my arms when first the bouncer asked if I needed a basket:
"No no.. I'm just fine! Looking only a one product more!"
Then the young shop assistant boy asked the same thing:
"No no no... I'm ok! A few more things..."
And then the indian tight mouthed man brought me a basked without saying a word. Just looking me with his eyes shouting: "Take the bloody basket WOMAN!"

2. I was sitting in a tube all dressed up, looking good and applied some more of lip gloss before my stop when with a mirror in my hand walked to the doors and waited them to open when this old english guy next to me opened his mouth:
"Hey miss... the doors open from the other side..."
And started laughing.

A funny situation at work:

This old lovely couple walked in and the lady opened her mouth and took a hold of my hand:
"Could you please make my husband feel more comfortable in his glasses?"
"Well of course! As comfortable as I can!"
I adjusted the frames arms a little bit tighter because the glasses had a bad habit to fall a little bit. When I brought them back I told them what I did and pointed out that now they were 
"...not too loose or too tight!"
The lady somehow started smiling with this sparkle in her eyes and replied:
"Oh.. not too loose nor too tight. I like that!.." and laughed a bit mischievously.
And of course I couldn't keep any poker face in that situation!
Well the couple was happy and the lady even asked me to join them for a pint. But unfortunately I had to work. My supervisor saw the situation and a smile on his face warned me that the lady might be a matchmaker so I should be careful! "You may end up dating his son or neighbor..or cousin etc.... actually that could be good for you..." 

It seems that I'll be having a nice and exiting time in London when my colleagues and customers try to arrange me together with someone...

Actually one funny regular customer calls me already by the name "the woman of his life". These people here are crazy!

A rainy day off from work so what shall we do?... Of course run to the Saatchi Gallery to have some FUN! 

I like art and artists. Sometimes things just go way over the limits of my understanding and then you pull the best solution for "being unwise": Smile and pose and giggle and pose and smile and pose and play and show some skin and pose and laugh and  keep on smiling.....!

We decided to go for a road trip..

...and met really strange looking people...

...It was really hard to see witch sex they represented...

Then we noticed that there were some problems with our eyes..
Oh no... wait a moment... it's due to those bloody mushrooms we ate earlier!.. "Johanna! Damn you..!"

"But that man told me that they were all fine.."

"Yeah right...and I'm Kate Moss!"

...Before leaving Johanna still wanted to store the image of the yellow cave and that man (I knew that there was some chemistry between them. HA!)........

The bouncer in this place wasn't the nicest one. She actually made us sing 10 X God save the queen in sex pistols version and then forced us to have a decent and nice conversation over some haggish with a sexy leprechaun dancing in the background until she god bored with us. But got to admit that she still looks fabulous! 

After getting out of that place we were immediately  sucked into this huge black hole!

You couldn't tell anymore what was the sky and what was the floor! (But for one thing I was pretty sure.. It really smelled bad there!)

...then we woke up to realize that we were surrounded by these savages who were graving for my Primark shoes!

...The only way out was to join the wild and dubious ritual dance... 

"By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise."

"Kirsi I have a cunning plan!..."

And then Johanna switched to cannabis and started to show off...

...That really pissed me off! So just to be polite I wrote all that is in my heart to one of guided journals...

Oh my! Where this adventure leads me?...

tiistai 19. kesäkuuta 2012

I have  a hate and love relationship with the bureaucracy in England. Unbelievable how the english have managed to develop and shape all the rules and laws into nearly into some form of art and so completely hard to understand that I doubt that there's somebody who really knows how the whole system works.

There I was standing and waiting among other immigrants  that the holy Job Center Tooting would open it's doors. Everybody glared at each other like wild animals and looked like they are ready to kill to be the first ones in line holding in their sweaty and desperately tight fists some form of documents. (Again apparently form Ab 45 OR BC 9837459837 OR WtGaF?) When the metal curtain finally came up all of us tried to squeeze to be the first ones but SURPRISE english people have prepared for that and a tough looking woman commanded all of us in a line and with firm a voice pointed out that those who have appointment 10.15 AM first. I was one of the lucky ones and in a five minutes found myself upstairs sitting in a comfortable couch waiting my turn to be interviewed. Everyone sitting in those couches looked somehow desperate and worried. Just like waiting to be judged and locked behind the bars. That triggered my imagination and in a few seconds I started glaring others a bit paranoid because if you have a few documents with you everything should be fine. Right? Why did they look like that? And why did I have to wait so long to hear my name and finally be interviewed? The interview lasted for 10 min which wasn't so bad but the fact that I was the last one called was a bit suspicious (because I saw that someone took my file before others and my documents and papers  are OK for sure... Well. If the  secret service sneaks into my bedroom and tries to slip a tracking devise in to my arse I wouldn't be too surprised.)

The wound of last fridays game England - Sweden still reminds of itself. That's right. I supported Sweden. What a bitter game! Swedish team was way much better dancing with that ball but Lady Fortuna wasn't on our side... damn. It didn't help that most of the people in that pub supported England and every time England did something "fantastic" the roar in that bar almost broke everyones eardrums. There was only a handful of us blond girls supporting Sweden but we really had the heart in the game! (You should see my flatmate Ise talking about football. Such a passion, such a knowledge. Even me who have played football have to humble next to her. Amazing girl!)

My cousin Toni and his mates showed up to that bar after the game and we carried on to Londons nightlife with my flatmates, their friends, and my cousin and his mates beside him. Fantastic night! Thank you Toni for spending some time with me speaking finnish, having fun and applauds to your mate Sami who finally got the chance to dance in a R'nB club with us girls and the top hits shaking the night away.

All my life I have loved fairy tales especially those in which a poor girl who succeeds to become independent, saves the village etc., meets her prince and lives her life happily ever after.  I thought for a while that Cinderella is definitely the best story ever but changed it to Anastasia the urban fairy tale.

Anyway there's a TV show running in the channel 5 "Once upon a time". In this world of the cold western lifestyle that forces us to believe that material gain and individual success are the one and only milestones to accomplish to be happy it's always refreshing to allow yourself to get back with the same level with the kids and believe that everything is possible. That true love brakes any curse. That everybody has the same possibilities.

My family is a bit interesting one and all of my friends has such a beautifully interesting minds.

Just for example let me enlighten you a little bit with the advices I got to prepare myself for migrating to another country.

1. My dad:
One saturday morning he crawled to my room a little tipsy and seriously started talking about this "pepper spray" A.K.A gas that army uses that should some how be sneaked to London in my suitcase just for my protection saying: "HA! Let them try to harass you then! That spray makes them shit and cry at the same time! We could wrap it into a folio and..."

For some reason I didn't get so exited about that idea. First day in London making sure that my employer gets a good first impression of me when I call saying that I'm in jail and would need some help. Yeah... right.

2. My best friend:
"Kirsi, remember: YOU ARE NOT AN INDEPENDENT WOMAN! If they offer you a free drink. TAKE IT! If they are willing to pay the food. BE OK WITH IT! If they wan't to buy you jewelry, shoes, handbags etc. LET THEM!" 

My man eater reputation really suffers a little bit because of that. "The independent woman" way too often lifts her head inside of me and I end up paying my share just to show the world that women can succeed.  In here it's a custom that guy offers the drink etc. Better play by the rules.

3. My grand mom:
"Be carefull out there! Avoid those gigolos!" And the winner: "Oh god you're already 25! Who would believe that! A coquette like you!"

Today was exceptional because it was sunny! So because it was my day off and I had planned to explore London anyway in the form of museums and galleries I made a change of plans and decided to visit portobello road market instead!

All of those shops! And the sun really was the icing of the cake!

I took a bit longer stroll and also enjoyed the architecture. Who wouldn't like these houses? "I wanna be a billionaire..."

I lost my virginity. Well my "A-wagawoom-cupcake"-orgasm virginity. Humming bird bakery really bakes the best cupcakes in the world!
Red velvet is the name of this cupcake. All gluten free! And oh so gooood...

By observing you really learn many things about people around you and sometimes you just wish that you wouldn't have eyes... or ears...or nose.

I got the privilege to witness a beautiful moment at the tube station. This fairy like and fragile girl sat next to me all pretty and cute. Suddenly she started to eat the skin of her fingertips.  Literally eating it! 

Worst of the habits is nose digging. In here they aren't even slightly ashamed of that. They even seem to get some freaking kicks out of it! Doing it with such a passion. (And no uncle Karo.. you're nothing compared to them..) Even in meetings it's allowed just like sneezin. There's nothing bad about sneezing but in Finland you tend to turn around to do that. But in here: IN YOUR FACE. I'm surprised that they don't show the findings of the nose digging or sneezing and start talking about the composition, quality and quantity of it.... 

I have succeed to develop myself from the "lost-blond-girl-needs-help"- level to "I'm-quite-confident-in my work"-level at work. It's really nice to work in here and best of it is that we have a glazing lab in the store! It's easier to check all the orders and sometimes make miracles happen with the spectacles. And my colleagues... they are hilarious and really nice! Makes it easier to work in here when the you get along with the team. Customers in here are a bit different. My colleagues in Finland. The difficult customers you have had are nothing to compared with these! All those mood swingings, spicy characters,  communication challenges but also so lovely you can't imagine! They really tell you what they wan't and are demanding. Easier for me than to try to find out what's going on. The challenging case it is, the more ambitious I get. I really tend to believe that you should always try to learn something new every day. Even thought the knowledge you lear may be indifferent and not that useful. (Like curse words in turkish or how to drink a shot upside down) It's still knowledge or a ability that could help you in the future!

From the Portobello Market I found the truth to the ultimate question of them all:  

And a show piece of my art work:
I got plenty of these little pin up girl pictures so if you wish to have your own piece of art hand made by Kirsi, send me a message!

Sometimes my family is a totally THE pain in the arse. But got to admit. They do enrich my life and surprises me in really odd situation.

There's always some kind drama going on and in family meetings everyone talks and never listens each others. Talking about group monologues!  No one visits each other and blame each others for not doing it. Ok. This time they really wanted to see me before my move to London and in their own way made sure that they'll see me. For example: my big sister first dramatically said that I left family visitings quite late AGAIN as usual but was all sugar and honey when I got there.  Then my brother surprised me calling to me the day before my flight to London: "So you're leaving us?... " And picked me up with his wife and ADHD dogs from my sisters house, brought me home where we just talked daily stuff and then left.

When there's big changes happening in your life you'll realize who really are there for you. They make sure that you'll be OK,  won't hurt yourself, respect you as who you are and remind you that you can always call if anything happens. Thanks friends for the lovely "final" get lost- party and assuring that I get good memories from (maybe!) my last days in Helsinki and big thanks to my family for all the help I got. You're sometimes annoying and I admit that there have been quite violent pictures about you in my head at time BUT in the end I love you guys!

And just to avoid being all emotional again here's Johannas design for my next party dress. Just to show the best features in me:

I really love that "Butt window"..  I'm glad that you had some time to concentrate on my dress from all that sex toy planning Johanna!

torstai 14. kesäkuuta 2012

London is full of crazy people. I was on my way to Fitness First Clapham junction by a bus and apparently I got the most interesting case to sit behind me. You know that some people tend to have that weird habit of talking or mutter something out loud by themselves? This fine individual really got on my nerves and when he started muttering words that could be compared nearly to harassment ( "Those lips... oooh... and blond hair.. nice body...." ) I just squeezed ear buds deeper into my ears and added more volume to my iphone. I still get chills when thinking about it!

Fitness First is a class A gym! Brilliant! I didn't believe that I could easily exercise 2h (half cardio / half strength) Especially in PMS! But unfortunately I have to think twice before joining that club. Hey C'mon! Almost 50£ a month! I'm a poor girl from Finland with no money, home, love etc. Only minuses in that club is the lack of a decent leg press equipment, kettlebells and for some reason in the beginning of my workout a bunch of men gathered around me to do their work out.... and for some reason they vanished as quickly as they showed up when I started working out my upper body in the cable Crossover machine.....hmmm.

Here's a good tip for those who wish to have working out tips. I just fell in love with Nike Training Club. You can download an application to your iphone that includes a lot of different exercises from cardio to strength and in variety of levels. If you're just starting: No worries! There's something for you and if you're a gym junkie like me: Everything you wan't is there! (Don't immediately take the advanced level. If you're not a ballet dancer etc. and haven't done so much coordination stuff then pick up the intermediate level. I find it challenging in the beginning when the moves were a bit harder to learn.)

Let me remind you about the other sides of being an osteopathic student in her final steps of (maybe) growing into a professional. In the gym you immediately start to observe the people around you and how they do their workouts. For example I saw this obviously hypermobile girl working out like a lunatic in this rowing machine. If she doesn't have any VBI symptoms after that work out I would be totally amazed. Such uncontrolled movement, head banging back'n forth and knees totally out of line. And other two sticky girls in this stairclimber leaning on the stands so that their shoulder plates truly "winged" and posture quite far from a decent one. Why it is unpolite to interfere in that kind of behavior?! I could help those girls but nooo... no way. It's not polite! *sigh*

I noticed that english people have slightly a so called "slump posture". My colleague suggested that it's due to the famous english weather but I guess that the evolution has taken the the wrong direction in UK. Because I'm a perfect customer servant I even imitated that posture with some of the customers and afterwards couldn't believe that someone can stay in that posture for years and years!  It hurts A LOT!

Yesterday was pretty interesting. My day off from work and what did I do in the evening? I wrapped my self into blankets and watched every single oh-so-romantic clip that I could get, listened love songs, hugged a pillow and ate chocolate. Tons of chocolate. (My absolute favorite movie is  P.S. I love you.   I always start sobbing and afterwards I'll be all emotional dreaming about this irish singer crazy man who would be the love of my life but NO.. instead I get some freaks to sit behind me muttering some mambo jambo! GRRRR!) I thought that I was getting crazy but tatt ta daaa!! My periods started today and of course at work and was I prepared?... NO! Thank god the manager today was a woman and had some extra tampax in her bag. Believe me when I say: Hormones make you crazy!

And just for your information: I love my job! I finally feel like a fish in the water and basically did the same things as in Finland. But the computer system is slightly more complicated and those who know me know very well how much I hate computers. Praise the god, goddess and spirits etc. for my customers being so patient and nice to me! Plus now I'm really getting into english language and various accents. It's easier to understand customers and colleagues. Still I haven't had the courage to answer the phone yet. You know why? Well...

I really suck in spelling.

But you have to have the balls to laugh at your weaknesses and yourself. If you can't stand your own faults how can you stand others faults? (No wonder some relationships don't last or even become serious in the first place.)

BTW. Miiiaaaaa: Here's some art from my closest pubs wall. It seems that I really have to visit this pub 'cos  the humming bird has the exact colors that my humming bird tattoo will have!

And a funny story: I was waiting for a bus to get to Clapham Junction when this granny passed me and stopped right there to look at me and then said that I should have a coffee or tea in that very same pub. "NOW!"

 I smiled and apologized that sorry but I really got to go to the gym now. Maybe some other day.  

"But you're not fat!"

Since being a fat person has been the only reason to go to the gym?
This is the exercise attitude in here.

Kiki is my nick name and apparently it also has another deeper meaning. Enjoy! 

"A kiki is a party, for calming all your nerves We're spilling tea, and dishing just deserts when they deserve And though the sun is rising, few may choose to leave So..."

maanantai 11. kesäkuuta 2012

I must say that the first day at work went pretty well. Again I heard that the manager talked highly about me and my CV. You know how red you can get when you truly blush? Heh? I was as red as a fire truck!

Thank god I got the permission to stay at the background and just observe. Totally new environment, colleagues, system and protocols.  In the end of the day I had the courage to be a little bit more like myself and throw a few jokes and relax with the customers. This is the same work I have done before but it takes time to adapt to the new situation and luckily my boss seems to be the most laid-back and understanding guy. He'll arrange my shifts so I can have a free weekend when Susanna's visiting London!

Because this is literally a new start for me I decided that I'll get my self in to a better shape. That means losing weight (only a little bit! I love my curves) and getting into a better condition! So for a lunch some salad: Strawberries, tomatoes, paprikas, rocket salad, feta, pepper and olive oil. And my favorite sandwich (Toasted bread with avocado and bacon) accompanied with an apple! Nom nom...

So delicious looking that I couldn't resist sharing this beautiful view with you!

When you're getting your body into shape and making some changes into your daily life you should never ever forget the emotional and psychological sides. There fore I've decided to close those people out of my life (or get at least a little distance..)  who only take from you but never give back anything. I'm totally fed up with people who pretend to be there for you as long as you give them something but in a first possible moment when they can benefit from you or sell you for attention they'll do that without a second thought plus talk shit about you behind your back and believe that you have no idea whats going on. I hate those narcissistic individuals:  "The world spins around me!" F them! I'm going to say what I really think about them and eat the whole chocolate -cherry cake and when I'm finished!!!..WHEN I'M FINISHED ..go to sleep..

But hey? Why to bother to tell some idiots that they are idiots? I got better things to do... Like google all inspiring texts I can find! WOHOO!

 BTW: I've been thinking a lot lately. I have a hypothesis  about why women in here wear ballerinas 24/7. Talk about sex-killing-shoes! They got all those beautiful, sexy, nice etc. high heels in the store and what do women in here do?! Wear ballerinas! Yeah...The reason to that must be something to do with the gravity. 

Let me explain a little bit more: 
It's fun to observe peoples faces when they talk. In russia the mouth barely moves. In Finland.. well.... we don't talk and in here people tend to have that a bit snobbish style to talk down at you. That's just because of some weard gravity-magnetic field-pollution-thames=dirty water changes! (or they just have a really good range of motion in their tempomandibular joint...) That's why they don't have any cheekbones in here and they walk with ballerinas! Finnish people have high cheekbones because they simply don't talk and ballerinas 'cos they don't have a sense of style! And russians? Well... high heels and high cheekbones? Remember what happened 1986? It's all due to Tsjernobyl!

Just for your amusement:

 It has been raining since arrived! Yep.. my boss told it to be a good sign because good people always bring the rain with them. (Rain nurtures the land, makes things grow, cleans etc.) But I think that someone is just having a spectacular time torturing me like this.

Enjoy the rainy view from my window loves! Till next time....

sunnuntai 10. kesäkuuta 2012

After three years of blood, sweat and tears I finally found myself sitting on an airplane on my way to London thinking "what the f**k am I doing?

YES! I gave up all my earthly belongings starting from my very own rental flat to expensive furniture... and YES! I ever so gladly shall start my studies all over again next September. Literally starting from a scratch. Am I an idiot or what?!  For some reason this all felt like a brilliant idea and it still does and why is that? Well... I have to think about good excuses for a moment but let me tell you about my first days in London.

This middle aged man sat next to me on the plane and I loved his attitude from the first minute. He didn't give a F about what people around him thought about him! When they started serving drinks he immediately ordered 3 little bottles of white wine drank them in a rhythmic order: ONE.....TWO.....THREE... and then started talking to me. Surprise! We talked about all the normal stuff that two strangers would talk about but also a lot about osteopathy, traveling, strong minded women and why you should never marry a finnish woman. He carried my hand luggage (thank god because I got one of those really good ideas and stuffed it to the braking point with my anatomy books...) out of the plane and gave me his business card telling me to ring him if I visit Sydney so he can give me details of this multinational health practice where another osteopath would be possibly needed and told me to send him a copy of my books that I have to publish in near future. "A year in London" and "why you should never marry a finnish woman".

The way from the Heathrow Airport to Battersea was a bit complicated with 70kg to carry around but when I finally got in here a heaven was waiting for me. Everything was ready and I really didn't need to buy much of anything! They even gave me a shampoo and conditioner !

Opening a bank account was a bit difficult and I tried that twice at Barclays but sorry for them I finally went to Lloyds with my flatmate and got an account in 20min!  First of all you need to have a decent prove of your home address and because no one really have had the time to send a bill etc. to this address I didn't have it. Even a document sent from my school didn't do. But a visit with my flatmate to her bank was enough even just with a passport.

Barclays I love your customer service but this time Lloyds won. Sorry!

 If your planning to move abroad remember these few things:

1. It's good to be motivated and self orientated.
2. Find out how things work around there.
And finally:
3. It truly is handy to know someone living there! 

Why do I love London so much?...

1. All the food for the eye, soul and  body!

My nearest park is about a stone throw away. You still have to be careful when you walk around all alone. I was strolling around this park and enjoying a rare sunny moment when this tall dark handsome guy run out of a football game and started following me:
" Hey sexy... woooah... hey you sexy mmMMmmm!"
I stopped looked at him and said:
"You should never leave the field when the game is till on! "
"Hey c'mon! Priorities! And look at sexy... "

I have experience of people staring shamelessly at my boobs but my ass? Not like that! I felt like I had to hide my behind and try to walk my behind attached to the nearby bushes.... GUSH! He tried to get my number but I didn't give it to him and just told him that I'll be walking here every other day. C u then! 

If this doesn't make you love London then what does?


New Look I love you...

But I also love the Pound stretcher, Pound land, TK max, Asda, Primark... So much cheap and useable stuff!

So why I wouldn't have flight all the way here? To London? To the city I love so much? Even thought I have to start all over again with my life? Studies in osteopathy will be Master level studies (unlike in Finland) and they are willing to educate me in my job too. The city is more multicultural and there are so much you can learn from the people and the life itself. Besides I'm living with the best flatmates you can have! BTW Thanks Johanna for all the advise, help and stuff you gave me and thank you Isı (and Katy!) for yesterdays game night (Germany-Portugal) in this fantastic and oh-so-english pub!

Like one half finnish guy in a organic gluten free booth told me:" London has everything to offer for you love."

So in these weeks to come I'll enjoy my honeymoon with London with an open mind and heart while I still can. WHOOP WHOOP!

Till next time sweethearts.
