tiistai 19. kesäkuuta 2012

I have  a hate and love relationship with the bureaucracy in England. Unbelievable how the english have managed to develop and shape all the rules and laws into nearly into some form of art and so completely hard to understand that I doubt that there's somebody who really knows how the whole system works.

There I was standing and waiting among other immigrants  that the holy Job Center Tooting would open it's doors. Everybody glared at each other like wild animals and looked like they are ready to kill to be the first ones in line holding in their sweaty and desperately tight fists some form of documents. (Again apparently form Ab 45 OR BC 9837459837 OR WtGaF?) When the metal curtain finally came up all of us tried to squeeze to be the first ones but SURPRISE english people have prepared for that and a tough looking woman commanded all of us in a line and with firm a voice pointed out that those who have appointment 10.15 AM first. I was one of the lucky ones and in a five minutes found myself upstairs sitting in a comfortable couch waiting my turn to be interviewed. Everyone sitting in those couches looked somehow desperate and worried. Just like waiting to be judged and locked behind the bars. That triggered my imagination and in a few seconds I started glaring others a bit paranoid because if you have a few documents with you everything should be fine. Right? Why did they look like that? And why did I have to wait so long to hear my name and finally be interviewed? The interview lasted for 10 min which wasn't so bad but the fact that I was the last one called was a bit suspicious (because I saw that someone took my file before others and my documents and papers  are OK for sure... Well. If the  secret service sneaks into my bedroom and tries to slip a tracking devise in to my arse I wouldn't be too surprised.)

The wound of last fridays game England - Sweden still reminds of itself. That's right. I supported Sweden. What a bitter game! Swedish team was way much better dancing with that ball but Lady Fortuna wasn't on our side... damn. It didn't help that most of the people in that pub supported England and every time England did something "fantastic" the roar in that bar almost broke everyones eardrums. There was only a handful of us blond girls supporting Sweden but we really had the heart in the game! (You should see my flatmate Ise talking about football. Such a passion, such a knowledge. Even me who have played football have to humble next to her. Amazing girl!)

My cousin Toni and his mates showed up to that bar after the game and we carried on to Londons nightlife with my flatmates, their friends, and my cousin and his mates beside him. Fantastic night! Thank you Toni for spending some time with me speaking finnish, having fun and applauds to your mate Sami who finally got the chance to dance in a R'nB club with us girls and the top hits shaking the night away.

All my life I have loved fairy tales especially those in which a poor girl who succeeds to become independent, saves the village etc., meets her prince and lives her life happily ever after.  I thought for a while that Cinderella is definitely the best story ever but changed it to Anastasia the urban fairy tale.

Anyway there's a TV show running in the channel 5 "Once upon a time". In this world of the cold western lifestyle that forces us to believe that material gain and individual success are the one and only milestones to accomplish to be happy it's always refreshing to allow yourself to get back with the same level with the kids and believe that everything is possible. That true love brakes any curse. That everybody has the same possibilities.

My family is a bit interesting one and all of my friends has such a beautifully interesting minds.

Just for example let me enlighten you a little bit with the advices I got to prepare myself for migrating to another country.

1. My dad:
One saturday morning he crawled to my room a little tipsy and seriously started talking about this "pepper spray" A.K.A gas that army uses that should some how be sneaked to London in my suitcase just for my protection saying: "HA! Let them try to harass you then! That spray makes them shit and cry at the same time! We could wrap it into a folio and..."

For some reason I didn't get so exited about that idea. First day in London making sure that my employer gets a good first impression of me when I call saying that I'm in jail and would need some help. Yeah... right.

2. My best friend:
"Kirsi, remember: YOU ARE NOT AN INDEPENDENT WOMAN! If they offer you a free drink. TAKE IT! If they are willing to pay the food. BE OK WITH IT! If they wan't to buy you jewelry, shoes, handbags etc. LET THEM!" 

My man eater reputation really suffers a little bit because of that. "The independent woman" way too often lifts her head inside of me and I end up paying my share just to show the world that women can succeed.  In here it's a custom that guy offers the drink etc. Better play by the rules.

3. My grand mom:
"Be carefull out there! Avoid those gigolos!" And the winner: "Oh god you're already 25! Who would believe that! A coquette like you!"

Today was exceptional because it was sunny! So because it was my day off and I had planned to explore London anyway in the form of museums and galleries I made a change of plans and decided to visit portobello road market instead!

All of those shops! And the sun really was the icing of the cake!

I took a bit longer stroll and also enjoyed the architecture. Who wouldn't like these houses? "I wanna be a billionaire..."

I lost my virginity. Well my "A-wagawoom-cupcake"-orgasm virginity. Humming bird bakery really bakes the best cupcakes in the world!
Red velvet is the name of this cupcake. All gluten free! And oh so gooood...

By observing you really learn many things about people around you and sometimes you just wish that you wouldn't have eyes... or ears...or nose.

I got the privilege to witness a beautiful moment at the tube station. This fairy like and fragile girl sat next to me all pretty and cute. Suddenly she started to eat the skin of her fingertips.  Literally eating it! 

Worst of the habits is nose digging. In here they aren't even slightly ashamed of that. They even seem to get some freaking kicks out of it! Doing it with such a passion. (And no uncle Karo.. you're nothing compared to them..) Even in meetings it's allowed just like sneezin. There's nothing bad about sneezing but in Finland you tend to turn around to do that. But in here: IN YOUR FACE. I'm surprised that they don't show the findings of the nose digging or sneezing and start talking about the composition, quality and quantity of it.... 

I have succeed to develop myself from the "lost-blond-girl-needs-help"- level to "I'm-quite-confident-in my work"-level at work. It's really nice to work in here and best of it is that we have a glazing lab in the store! It's easier to check all the orders and sometimes make miracles happen with the spectacles. And my colleagues... they are hilarious and really nice! Makes it easier to work in here when the you get along with the team. Customers in here are a bit different. My colleagues in Finland. The difficult customers you have had are nothing to compared with these! All those mood swingings, spicy characters,  communication challenges but also so lovely you can't imagine! They really tell you what they wan't and are demanding. Easier for me than to try to find out what's going on. The challenging case it is, the more ambitious I get. I really tend to believe that you should always try to learn something new every day. Even thought the knowledge you lear may be indifferent and not that useful. (Like curse words in turkish or how to drink a shot upside down) It's still knowledge or a ability that could help you in the future!

From the Portobello Market I found the truth to the ultimate question of them all:  

And a show piece of my art work:
I got plenty of these little pin up girl pictures so if you wish to have your own piece of art hand made by Kirsi, send me a message!

Sometimes my family is a totally THE pain in the arse. But got to admit. They do enrich my life and surprises me in really odd situation.

There's always some kind drama going on and in family meetings everyone talks and never listens each others. Talking about group monologues!  No one visits each other and blame each others for not doing it. Ok. This time they really wanted to see me before my move to London and in their own way made sure that they'll see me. For example: my big sister first dramatically said that I left family visitings quite late AGAIN as usual but was all sugar and honey when I got there.  Then my brother surprised me calling to me the day before my flight to London: "So you're leaving us?... " And picked me up with his wife and ADHD dogs from my sisters house, brought me home where we just talked daily stuff and then left.

When there's big changes happening in your life you'll realize who really are there for you. They make sure that you'll be OK,  won't hurt yourself, respect you as who you are and remind you that you can always call if anything happens. Thanks friends for the lovely "final" get lost- party and assuring that I get good memories from (maybe!) my last days in Helsinki and big thanks to my family for all the help I got. You're sometimes annoying and I admit that there have been quite violent pictures about you in my head at time BUT in the end I love you guys!

And just to avoid being all emotional again here's Johannas design for my next party dress. Just to show the best features in me:

I really love that "Butt window"..  I'm glad that you had some time to concentrate on my dress from all that sex toy planning Johanna!

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