sunnuntai 10. kesäkuuta 2012

After three years of blood, sweat and tears I finally found myself sitting on an airplane on my way to London thinking "what the f**k am I doing?

YES! I gave up all my earthly belongings starting from my very own rental flat to expensive furniture... and YES! I ever so gladly shall start my studies all over again next September. Literally starting from a scratch. Am I an idiot or what?!  For some reason this all felt like a brilliant idea and it still does and why is that? Well... I have to think about good excuses for a moment but let me tell you about my first days in London.

This middle aged man sat next to me on the plane and I loved his attitude from the first minute. He didn't give a F about what people around him thought about him! When they started serving drinks he immediately ordered 3 little bottles of white wine drank them in a rhythmic order: ONE.....TWO.....THREE... and then started talking to me. Surprise! We talked about all the normal stuff that two strangers would talk about but also a lot about osteopathy, traveling, strong minded women and why you should never marry a finnish woman. He carried my hand luggage (thank god because I got one of those really good ideas and stuffed it to the braking point with my anatomy books...) out of the plane and gave me his business card telling me to ring him if I visit Sydney so he can give me details of this multinational health practice where another osteopath would be possibly needed and told me to send him a copy of my books that I have to publish in near future. "A year in London" and "why you should never marry a finnish woman".

The way from the Heathrow Airport to Battersea was a bit complicated with 70kg to carry around but when I finally got in here a heaven was waiting for me. Everything was ready and I really didn't need to buy much of anything! They even gave me a shampoo and conditioner !

Opening a bank account was a bit difficult and I tried that twice at Barclays but sorry for them I finally went to Lloyds with my flatmate and got an account in 20min!  First of all you need to have a decent prove of your home address and because no one really have had the time to send a bill etc. to this address I didn't have it. Even a document sent from my school didn't do. But a visit with my flatmate to her bank was enough even just with a passport.

Barclays I love your customer service but this time Lloyds won. Sorry!

 If your planning to move abroad remember these few things:

1. It's good to be motivated and self orientated.
2. Find out how things work around there.
And finally:
3. It truly is handy to know someone living there! 

Why do I love London so much?...

1. All the food for the eye, soul and  body!

My nearest park is about a stone throw away. You still have to be careful when you walk around all alone. I was strolling around this park and enjoying a rare sunny moment when this tall dark handsome guy run out of a football game and started following me:
" Hey sexy... woooah... hey you sexy mmMMmmm!"
I stopped looked at him and said:
"You should never leave the field when the game is till on! "
"Hey c'mon! Priorities! And look at sexy... "

I have experience of people staring shamelessly at my boobs but my ass? Not like that! I felt like I had to hide my behind and try to walk my behind attached to the nearby bushes.... GUSH! He tried to get my number but I didn't give it to him and just told him that I'll be walking here every other day. C u then! 

If this doesn't make you love London then what does?


New Look I love you...

But I also love the Pound stretcher, Pound land, TK max, Asda, Primark... So much cheap and useable stuff!

So why I wouldn't have flight all the way here? To London? To the city I love so much? Even thought I have to start all over again with my life? Studies in osteopathy will be Master level studies (unlike in Finland) and they are willing to educate me in my job too. The city is more multicultural and there are so much you can learn from the people and the life itself. Besides I'm living with the best flatmates you can have! BTW Thanks Johanna for all the advise, help and stuff you gave me and thank you Isı (and Katy!) for yesterdays game night (Germany-Portugal) in this fantastic and oh-so-english pub!

Like one half finnish guy in a organic gluten free booth told me:" London has everything to offer for you love."

So in these weeks to come I'll enjoy my honeymoon with London with an open mind and heart while I still can. WHOOP WHOOP!

Till next time sweethearts.


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