maanantai 11. kesäkuuta 2012

I must say that the first day at work went pretty well. Again I heard that the manager talked highly about me and my CV. You know how red you can get when you truly blush? Heh? I was as red as a fire truck!

Thank god I got the permission to stay at the background and just observe. Totally new environment, colleagues, system and protocols.  In the end of the day I had the courage to be a little bit more like myself and throw a few jokes and relax with the customers. This is the same work I have done before but it takes time to adapt to the new situation and luckily my boss seems to be the most laid-back and understanding guy. He'll arrange my shifts so I can have a free weekend when Susanna's visiting London!

Because this is literally a new start for me I decided that I'll get my self in to a better shape. That means losing weight (only a little bit! I love my curves) and getting into a better condition! So for a lunch some salad: Strawberries, tomatoes, paprikas, rocket salad, feta, pepper and olive oil. And my favorite sandwich (Toasted bread with avocado and bacon) accompanied with an apple! Nom nom...

So delicious looking that I couldn't resist sharing this beautiful view with you!

When you're getting your body into shape and making some changes into your daily life you should never ever forget the emotional and psychological sides. There fore I've decided to close those people out of my life (or get at least a little distance..)  who only take from you but never give back anything. I'm totally fed up with people who pretend to be there for you as long as you give them something but in a first possible moment when they can benefit from you or sell you for attention they'll do that without a second thought plus talk shit about you behind your back and believe that you have no idea whats going on. I hate those narcissistic individuals:  "The world spins around me!" F them! I'm going to say what I really think about them and eat the whole chocolate -cherry cake and when I'm finished!!!..WHEN I'M FINISHED ..go to sleep..

But hey? Why to bother to tell some idiots that they are idiots? I got better things to do... Like google all inspiring texts I can find! WOHOO!

 BTW: I've been thinking a lot lately. I have a hypothesis  about why women in here wear ballerinas 24/7. Talk about sex-killing-shoes! They got all those beautiful, sexy, nice etc. high heels in the store and what do women in here do?! Wear ballerinas! Yeah...The reason to that must be something to do with the gravity. 

Let me explain a little bit more: 
It's fun to observe peoples faces when they talk. In russia the mouth barely moves. In Finland.. well.... we don't talk and in here people tend to have that a bit snobbish style to talk down at you. That's just because of some weard gravity-magnetic field-pollution-thames=dirty water changes! (or they just have a really good range of motion in their tempomandibular joint...) That's why they don't have any cheekbones in here and they walk with ballerinas! Finnish people have high cheekbones because they simply don't talk and ballerinas 'cos they don't have a sense of style! And russians? Well... high heels and high cheekbones? Remember what happened 1986? It's all due to Tsjernobyl!

Just for your amusement:

 It has been raining since arrived! Yep.. my boss told it to be a good sign because good people always bring the rain with them. (Rain nurtures the land, makes things grow, cleans etc.) But I think that someone is just having a spectacular time torturing me like this.

Enjoy the rainy view from my window loves! Till next time....

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