torstai 14. kesäkuuta 2012

London is full of crazy people. I was on my way to Fitness First Clapham junction by a bus and apparently I got the most interesting case to sit behind me. You know that some people tend to have that weird habit of talking or mutter something out loud by themselves? This fine individual really got on my nerves and when he started muttering words that could be compared nearly to harassment ( "Those lips... oooh... and blond hair.. nice body...." ) I just squeezed ear buds deeper into my ears and added more volume to my iphone. I still get chills when thinking about it!

Fitness First is a class A gym! Brilliant! I didn't believe that I could easily exercise 2h (half cardio / half strength) Especially in PMS! But unfortunately I have to think twice before joining that club. Hey C'mon! Almost 50£ a month! I'm a poor girl from Finland with no money, home, love etc. Only minuses in that club is the lack of a decent leg press equipment, kettlebells and for some reason in the beginning of my workout a bunch of men gathered around me to do their work out.... and for some reason they vanished as quickly as they showed up when I started working out my upper body in the cable Crossover machine.....hmmm.

Here's a good tip for those who wish to have working out tips. I just fell in love with Nike Training Club. You can download an application to your iphone that includes a lot of different exercises from cardio to strength and in variety of levels. If you're just starting: No worries! There's something for you and if you're a gym junkie like me: Everything you wan't is there! (Don't immediately take the advanced level. If you're not a ballet dancer etc. and haven't done so much coordination stuff then pick up the intermediate level. I find it challenging in the beginning when the moves were a bit harder to learn.)

Let me remind you about the other sides of being an osteopathic student in her final steps of (maybe) growing into a professional. In the gym you immediately start to observe the people around you and how they do their workouts. For example I saw this obviously hypermobile girl working out like a lunatic in this rowing machine. If she doesn't have any VBI symptoms after that work out I would be totally amazed. Such uncontrolled movement, head banging back'n forth and knees totally out of line. And other two sticky girls in this stairclimber leaning on the stands so that their shoulder plates truly "winged" and posture quite far from a decent one. Why it is unpolite to interfere in that kind of behavior?! I could help those girls but nooo... no way. It's not polite! *sigh*

I noticed that english people have slightly a so called "slump posture". My colleague suggested that it's due to the famous english weather but I guess that the evolution has taken the the wrong direction in UK. Because I'm a perfect customer servant I even imitated that posture with some of the customers and afterwards couldn't believe that someone can stay in that posture for years and years!  It hurts A LOT!

Yesterday was pretty interesting. My day off from work and what did I do in the evening? I wrapped my self into blankets and watched every single oh-so-romantic clip that I could get, listened love songs, hugged a pillow and ate chocolate. Tons of chocolate. (My absolute favorite movie is  P.S. I love you.   I always start sobbing and afterwards I'll be all emotional dreaming about this irish singer crazy man who would be the love of my life but NO.. instead I get some freaks to sit behind me muttering some mambo jambo! GRRRR!) I thought that I was getting crazy but tatt ta daaa!! My periods started today and of course at work and was I prepared?... NO! Thank god the manager today was a woman and had some extra tampax in her bag. Believe me when I say: Hormones make you crazy!

And just for your information: I love my job! I finally feel like a fish in the water and basically did the same things as in Finland. But the computer system is slightly more complicated and those who know me know very well how much I hate computers. Praise the god, goddess and spirits etc. for my customers being so patient and nice to me! Plus now I'm really getting into english language and various accents. It's easier to understand customers and colleagues. Still I haven't had the courage to answer the phone yet. You know why? Well...

I really suck in spelling.

But you have to have the balls to laugh at your weaknesses and yourself. If you can't stand your own faults how can you stand others faults? (No wonder some relationships don't last or even become serious in the first place.)

BTW. Miiiaaaaa: Here's some art from my closest pubs wall. It seems that I really have to visit this pub 'cos  the humming bird has the exact colors that my humming bird tattoo will have!

And a funny story: I was waiting for a bus to get to Clapham Junction when this granny passed me and stopped right there to look at me and then said that I should have a coffee or tea in that very same pub. "NOW!"

 I smiled and apologized that sorry but I really got to go to the gym now. Maybe some other day.  

"But you're not fat!"

Since being a fat person has been the only reason to go to the gym?
This is the exercise attitude in here.

Kiki is my nick name and apparently it also has another deeper meaning. Enjoy! 

"A kiki is a party, for calming all your nerves We're spilling tea, and dishing just deserts when they deserve And though the sun is rising, few may choose to leave So..."

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