maanantai 7. huhtikuuta 2014

Age doesn't make you any smarter. Instead getting older has been a never ending decline in my "adult behavior".  I'm pretty sure that I was on my mature peak around age 19ish when I was serious and clear about my life's plans and everything made much more sense. 

I don't know what happened after that (started listening to my heart instead of head?..) but here I again giggle like a little girl with cheeks all read after an amazing night  out with my colleagues.

What an exciting conversations you make with people under the news of these days. Puting lusting after Finland! And how do I react to these news?... possible but maybe not. Think about it: We don't have that many natural wealth to lust for. Like Norway and their oil and who would really like to deal with stubborn, quiet and straightforward people like finns who have some emotional expression issues?... Possibly these news are a way to get the attention from the things that are more critical and really happening NOW? Like Ukraine and Krim and.... (wink wink)

And a tip for  NATO. How I have learned to read Russia and the russians. There are plenty of different attitudes around the country and not all of the russians are old school Putinims supportes but very Liberal. Not just amazing culture and history but they also have some a place in their hearts for their country. (That's apparently what their using as a brilliant excuse to help fellow russian in other countries... Oh boy.) But to make everything simple. Russians like Finns believe more in actions than words. That's the difference between West and East Europe. 

But I'll report to you later how things, attitudes and possible propaganda mingles Finland. Will be back in Finland for my seasonal visit shortly.

Can't wait to see you all you folks back in Finland! Lets bring some spring to that wet-snow heaven and hopefully girls we can have our first official barbecue and park drunk (puisto kännit) experience. (Only if my grandma lets me have a break from the spring cleaning and I'll make it back to my parents by 8pm...)

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