keskiviikko 9. huhtikuuta 2014

I came to conclusion that my new work title should be the universal advisor or Google between us friends. "Wink, wink".

Not a single day goes by without the most out of context questions from traveling advice (Which bar, where about situates this and that locates..), cooking, exercise, literature to metaphysical questions about my views about human happiness and the depth of soul AND don't you dare to forget questions about my motives to be here because "Finland's all about nature, lakes, sauna and amazingly clean facilities... what on earth girl are you doing in here?!". 

In the dark corners of my little mind I have been thinking to test people's limits in rational thinking and wicked humor by answering with one of these lines: 

"WELL my big plan is to integrate to the system and when the time is right effect to everything from the inside out... VIVA LA REVOLUTION!".

"Finland and The Scandinavia is not what it looks like at all! It's a cover story! Help us! They're hurting us!".

With a small smile on my lipss: "I ran away from the charges of a triple homicide. What can I do for you today?...". 

"My family tried to force marry me to a 60 year old man and I couldn't bear it!"  And dramatic crashing down to tears.

Actually the typical english thinking providing THE answer for my existence in here has been the most amusing: "So nice that you have some work in here..."

Oh sweet hearts... let me reveal something: I still have a high demand in Finland and actually I get paid more. And I'm highly appreciated experienced optical dispenser there (strong experience is always appreciated in Finland)  and I can actually legally work as a qualified groceries  handler with my hygiene pass, a sports instructor specializing in to functional stuff, group lesson instructor and... well I think you got the point here.

Why can't people just use their rational mind and stop the great search of the ultimate answer for the reasons why I'm here? (Just like the question of my single hood... I simply don't know why I'm single! There's something really wrong with me or been busy lately?... Hard to date when almost the only closest experience of a touch of a man is a sweaty gym equipment or looking after the beginnings of men by babysitting!)

But why am I here: It's simple. Just like most of the other immigrants through out the history I'm in a search of my life's path and a happy ever after. 

Everybody values different things in life and my values are in experiences, knowledge and the amazing beautiful people and their stories around me. I get completely thrilled by mental challenged that need a bit of an OCD to be solved, cultural experiences in the museums/theaters  etc., learning new by training days and studies, psychological analyzing of the human mind and the motives behind our actions AND "plentyofotheramazingstuffrelatedtopeopleandthethingslondonoffers"... 

Victoria&Albert museum is my favorite at the moment
So much to see!

details details...

Nothing more relaxing than a glass of  champagne at work training?...

BTW talking about human mind and actions etc. 

My next door neighbor on our raise-to-the-shower-with his little big man ego tried to make me feel uncomfortable about last weekends noises: "Your quick shower makes up last night!".  HA!

In finnish culture some noises in the weekend are completely normal and god knows how many times I had to stop myself of been a cunt and smacking the wall to make them lower down music, speaking, drinking, all after party glory etc. And their everyday all time playing TV show tune (that now-a-days-I literally hate) what ever guitar solo it is.

This means war....

Got some results back from my MRI and a partial tear found. Lack and changes in the rate of motion and muscle weakness indicates that there's more to my shoulder injury and actually got a referral to be seen by a orthopedist. My life will be on a some sort of hold for now until I get a medical hint what I can do with my life and future. (At least at work I'll be kept busy and I can enjoy more of my colleagues twisted minds!)
With the lack of strength had to order groceries delivered.. actually not so bad after all!  Next time I'll concentrate in the drink offers..

So as I'm lacking high mental challenges and things to bite on I'm going to make a plan of a perfect pay back time for my oh so beloved neighbor. I see easy living, impact drill, night time half naked male YMCA dancing group and some traditional preserved smelly shark/fish/viking cooking in my head. YUMMY YUMMY! Maybe you folks back in Finland can help me with this?..

BTW can't get this song out of my head:

And the best song for the night out (and don't forget FIFA world cup games!)

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