torstai 17. huhtikuuta 2014

Imagine this:

The sun blazes up in the sky while you run feeling the peppermint like freshness all the way in the bottom of your lungs pushing all that London smog and pollen out of your body. In the beginning the occasional stops for some 70-year-or-something coughing and spitting drives you nuts and makes you doubt your fitness levels but when you get to the forrest jumping over rocks and tree branches the child like joy fills your mind and heart. Enormous grin on your face you speed up and on the top of the rocky forrest hill you throw yourself on that cool rocky surface and turn on your back to face the sun. You close your eyes and listen to the world around you. So quiet... only the birds with you.

There's something magical about the finnish nature. My running route starts only 500 meters from my parents house and there plenty of grounds to explore. This is one of the small things I love about Helsinki. Forrest (not just parks that are carefully looked after), rural spots of forrest all around us!

My running route passed next to my previous schools gardens where we used to spend a lot of time with our fingers in the mud.
Passing through the forrest behind my parents house..
All natural glow and work out reddens after my morning run.  

The running outdoors with softer grounds and the air are working wonders in me. My shoulder doesn't get the sudden sharp pain as running on the hard surfaces and I actually could just run, run and run after a few stiff trials in here. I got my voice back and all that London dust are now on the pavements of my running routes.

Tom of Finland has woken up plenty of conversations all around the world.

"The autumn's stamp series begins September 8 with Tom of Finland, who is considered one of the most well-known Finnish artists around the world. His emphatically masculine homoerotic drawings have attained iconic status in their genre and had an influence on, for instance, pop culture and fashion. In his works, Tom of Finland utilized the self-irony and humor typical of subcultures."

Absolutely normal erotic art for us! You always see half naked women everywhere in the magazines, adverts and pictures all around the world. Why not men? Why not with a homoerotic touch? 

For us finnish this is the case: Absolutely normal and amazing art.  What the fuss about it? Talking about the cultural history here...

And have to comment about finnish news and especially the news readers. And just to make my point even more precise: Women news readers. 

I understand that beauty is what we want to see. But there's a line between natural and unrealistic. Over here in the finnish news you see women dressed up and with a bit of make up of course.  Most amazing are all the beautiful small lines showing the past emotions those people have lived through.  wait till we go to the world and behold! A army with immobile foreheads, all plastered faces, lipp and breast fillings.  

If that is what world demands I claim immediate actions to be done with the male image of the world today! No more middle aged fat hair loosing men as the voices of truth and trustworthiness in the media PLEASE! Bring those fake tanned, half naked chippendale dancers with their ripped muscles and pepsodent smiles here and NOW! (Not really my taste but apparently media thinks that about women's ideal so it must be the same with men.. BOOM!)

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