torstai 10. huhtikuuta 2014

South side of the river is ultimately the best side to look for places to shop. 

My personal favorite is Kingston. Not just many a places to shop from high end to those small boutiques filled with cheap shoes etc.  but also amazing nature and riverside views. 

So I met with Jaqs in her neighborhood and we did some shopping, gossiping, enjoyed the views and the sunny day.  Of course not without some sort of scenes. (These always seem to be happening when ever Jaqs or Shauna and me get together)

This time at TK Maxx when approaching the till we noticed the snack and grocery area with all the delights. A few gluten free baking sets and looking at the coffee shelf to try something new... what did my eyes find?.. A Belgian chocolate flavored coffee! The coffee packages  always have that "smell window"- thingy and I couldn't but just to scream from delight after the first sensation of that godlike odor. "Jaqs OMG... this is a food orgasm! OMG!...." Jaqs came giggling to get her taste of the luxury and we apparently woke up the curiosity around us too. This lady next to us came and wanted to have a sense of things and after me commenting "Such a orgasm by death.. honey I love you!" she asked a permission to smell the odor of the package and when done with it with big eyes looked at me smiling: "You don't need a man with this!".  Even the till workers were laughing. Bargain of the day I must say!

In a search of the perfect gift for my friend of course we made our way to Ann Summer's too. And not without another scene. All those vibrators on the shelfs and buttons that you just have to click. What happens when we don't know how to switch off the bloody thing?! 
"Kiki!... How do you switch it off?.."  
"Let me see... it just changes colors.... Jaaaaqs... just leave it in the shelf!"  
"Tried it all ready and it buzzes'  it's way from the shelf to the floor!". 
"Ok... we just HAVE to ask some help... Hey psssSSt heeeelp...."

The highlight for the trip: First outdoor drink and a red velvet cupcake!

Apparently I have fallen in love with a bit more village atmospheric places. Just like my home area here north with that rare community feeling the south has it's places.  Have to admit that I do miss my visits at the Battersea Park, Wandsworth and Clapham junction.  Don't get me wrong: I love my flat and the safe area I live in not to mention my short distance from the city center but south just has that something.  So depending on where life leads me I may find myself back from the south side. The whole world is open!

Now some Lush Rose Queen bath bomb-time and sweet dreams escorted by the game of Thrones!

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