tiistai 24. kesäkuuta 2014

Have anyone of you guys experienced the full force of the monday misery?... (M-M between friends!) Well I did. Not only I felt like risen from the grave but starting from my nail polish that just didn't succeed it continued all the way from customers bringing it all out on you to a hair frizzing rain after work. Not even a bucket full of french roast vanilla coffee did save my day.

Salmiakki and finnish chocolate in the same package... 
happy days!

One film I would highly recommend for everyone to watch I am slave directed by Garbriel Range. Girl brought up to understand her value and look people in the eyes without fear is suddenly sold to be a slave.  The result of physical and mental abuse is terrible and makes holding to your identity everyday challenge.  I found myself holding my breath and tears when she first saw her farther after 6 years and couldn't reach him. Same thing when she turned to a stranger for help and looking straight into his eyes said she's a slave.

As a finn I have to disagree with the blog writing by Just Saskia about this movie. Book probably is better as usual but I wouldn't call this movie flat at all. (After all The Man Without a Past by Aki Kaurismäki is a a good example of a true finnish pearl about "flatness".)  You don't need special effects nor animation to make an amazing movie. After all I'm a slave is based on a true story.

Btw. The shoulder operation still approaching and apparently in speed off light! This friday morning I'll have a meeting with the anesthesia department and only in 2 weeks from today I'll be under the knife. How scary is that?!

I've never broken a bone nor been in a proper surgery in my whole life and there it is. Right in front of me! It really doesn't help to have years of knowledge behind you about these matters. And don't let me even get started about the results of my analytic thinking. The worst nightmares gone through already... so been there, done that, seen all! How amazing human mind can be?

But maybe this will stop these odd situation in my life when a glass suddenly slips of from my hand? Or a telephone? (Thank god it wasn't a customer at the other end of the line!) And sometimes even a small plastic bag. How about that lack of normal skin sensations? Maybe I actually will be able, on my worst days, to sleep without an army of pillows to position my shoulder or when the pain really hits you and the storm nausea drives you crazy live without all that?

I was once asked where I see myself in ten years time. Over half a year ago the answer was simple: I'll have my very own hospital/clinic or even chain of clinics and would be a successful osteopath known all over the world!

Now when I was asked the very same question I experienced one of those speechless moments. Where am I going to be?... What am I going to be?... and that oh so familiar blond moment when nothing moves in your head and suddenly it all clicks together. With a confidence I said that in ten years time I wish I'm happy and healthy (with a working arm too!). I will have my very own family and be surrounded by my loved ones. People who care about me and who I care about.

Once your successful among the people around you it all will sort itself out.

I was taught from a very young age to respect everybody around me. No matter where they come from or what burden they carry because one of these days I maybe the one carrying that burden and any burden is much more easier carried when you got some help. That doesn't mean that you should always take the easier route, please everybody and walk paths laid in-front of you. It's all about respect. (Wink wink... after the surgery I really may need your help guys in simple everyday things like cooking, washing my hair etc. As a reward you can have some of my signature cupcakes! Once I'm able to bake again... BUT it's all about the idea right?)

This morning when crawling to the bathroom all cross eyed and looking like a Tina Turner having a really, really bad day, through the open window the smell of summer welcomed me. Rain didn't only flush dirt and pollen away but leave this amazing smell of nature waking up lingering in the air.

Thank god for the other days of the week!

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