keskiviikko 4. kesäkuuta 2014

On my highest state again.
I wrap myself deeper into my blankets
And hope I could be in the past...
and forget the past.
Both at the same time.
Yep. Once again I found myself. 
Here on my highest state again. 

Swedish Glace Delicious chocolate ice creamish thingy and always ever so entertaining Nostalgia critic (Thanks Topi for introducing him. I know now with whom to spend my evenings with!)  were the best therapy after 11h work shift. I just can't help it... when there's work to be done I'll do it no matter how long it'll take. (After some good and some bad decisions result was pretty niiiceee).

Long story short: It's operation time! My shoulder will get intruded by some sharp instruments and apparently not just a small clean up but the whole shebang! Decompression and rotator cuff surgery A.K.A. "Lets shave some bone/other tissues, cut here and there and maybe stitch here and there... possibly drill bits'n pieces... and Vola!".

Can't wait! 

And the like hood of me surviving as an osteopath for most of my life? HA! So it's time to see the new challenges and set up some different goals! 

Actually I'm pretty fed up of me and others repeating the phrase "Everything happens for a reason" and find the idea of creating a nasty habit of drinking myself into unconscious stage at least couple of times a week hilarious. 

But in the other hand this would be a perfect time to take some time for myself and finally find the one?... Who am I kidding! The ones who know my luck with men understand the following statements perfectly: my closest relationship where I feel the most loved and respected will probably be with a furry four legged creature (It only respects me as the thing giving food and cleaning up the mess it makes. Oh wait minute... I actually have had those relationships with three legged ones as well!)

I'll probably end up having myself a pet. Cat. Yes a cat and when finally the most amazing perfect handsome still a bit rough Batman arrives into my life the scene will be like this:

I had the privilege to be visited by my friend Anne. We have a long history together and boy her visit was yet again amazing. Making the world a better place while drinking a few drinks, gossiping about everything between the sky and earth, her demanding bedtime stories, finding free silicone breast filler from a handbag she bought and the always ever so working life advices:

"Kiki... remember before you buy a new bed you should test the mattress. Just like with men. Once you bring it home it's really hard to get ride off it!".

Best of all was to have her next to me on the semifinals and finals. Finland against Canada. BOOOM! And then Russia. Not so booom... remember guys Putin is loaded and now the final game referees probably have a nice palace in Russia (or maybe a russian postal bride?). 

The most challenging situation where I felt a bit torn between commitments was when my manager in near end of my shift asked to have chat about my plans etc. (And the ice hockey game had started all ready!!!). Luckily everything went smoothly and I didn't get too many bad looks. 

Have to also mention a nice work training trip to Nottingham where I met some amazing people and things to bite my teeth in and concentrate while being lost with my life.

Last weekend went a bit out of hands again and I found myself kissing&hugging everybody, waking up with a ink markings  all over my forearm (and due to funny sleeping position on my forehead). Somehow I also managed to loose my clutch bag at the club too with my phone in it. So sorry for not adding any videos nor pictures to this post. I'll add those later once I get the hold of my phone again. 

Today I managed to get myself out from the flat to buy a spare phone and out of know where to test this hair salon close to me to and due to sudden inspiration get my hair done. And what a good decision was that! The hairdresser Sylvia knew exactly that my hair doesn't need peroxide but some brightening and result is first of all natural but also amazing.

BTW guys. Sometimes is fun to become child again and stay in bed hence I can recommend watching this animation movie: How to train your Dragon Funnily I found myself laughing and occasionally emotional. The phrases "..we have this issue with stubbornness" and "The food here is tough and tasteless... just like the people here." Bring back cosy memories from my home. Finland. Like in the movie I rather break a rock with my forehead than throw myself on someone. More stylish!

Here's a few songs that I've been listening 24/7 and some that  ever so slightly describe different situations from the past couple of weeks: 

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