torstai 26. kesäkuuta 2014

There are still many questions that haven't found any answers... yet.

Questions like what is the meaning of life? What is conciseness? What happens after life? And why 1/3 of the customers in my local Marks&Spencer's eat their grocery that they haven't even paid yet?! And why on earth people travel on the underground wearing sunglasses? (I know my presense can be quite blinding at the times.  I just can't help it! But still...) WHY??!

We may never know the answers but that doesn't mean that these subjects wont irritate us in the future as well...

Day off was a long waited blessing and time charge to my batteries. As soon as I got home from work I made some crepes and almost immediately fell asleep... just to wake up again 10pm to an achy shoulder and stayed awake till 2am.

The best crepes in the world need only some 
gluten free all purpose flour, eggs, sparkling water
and a pinch of salt and oil. The fillings can 
be anything you wish.
Sweet or savory you decide!

My brother woke me up at 10am first laughing what on earth I'm doing in the bed at this time and then asking when will I come to Finland. I've been officially hired to babysit one of these fellows while he renovates the kitchen and my sister in law cruises to Stockholm.  The idea having some fluffy  company while medicated and recovering after the surgery sounds amazing.

He promised pretty good salary: Barbecued meals for 3 days! (Not sure will that cover my brothers talkative nature and fierce temper..)

On my day off I try to do as much as I can to avoid anything related to work or any matter causing stress. So eventually I found myself on my way to Hoxton and the Geffrye Museum of Home .

Blessed by the sun
Hoxton station has that twist and nice
mix of old and modern
At least in overground you have some space to breath!

Not just beautiful architecture but examples of peoples life from the 1600's to 20th century! And looking at it I came to conclusion that England's taste of decor has never developed since the late 1800's. What else could explain the whole floor carpets, floral sofas and having laminate floors (or a carpet) in the bathroom?!

 I fell in love with the small reading rooms about culture, decoration, history,  garden etc.

Got super excited when found this book and a lot of information about finnish design too. The classic Marimekko was represented (at least in this book) but I was surprised not to find anything designed by Alvar Aalto.  His chairs are just much more better looking...

Apparently Denmark has left a bigger impression in UK than any other culturally scandinavian country. Your loss England.

I did spend most of my visit in the garden admiring the plants and nature. 

I took many a pictures more but decided that I wont bore you with my fetish. In the future I will for sure have my own small garden with all shebang: Herbs, flowers, trees... You name it! And of course that small atelje, studio room, cottage where I can retreat to think and be a loner at times. 

Just walking around staring at things and mind completely blank can be really relaxing.

And I made history too. Not in a five years have I taken out my pencils, oil paints etc. and used the now dusty corner of my brains to mix and mingle with colors to create different visions.  How could I with all that work and studying? So let me introduce you to a few of my so called drawings. Color pencils are not my tool of choice and the color palette a bit too narrow for my taste and the result a bit rusty (Actually really, I mean REALLY, rusty)... But one of these days I'll get there again!  

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