maanantai 30. kesäkuuta 2014

Monday: A day off to gather myself back together and prioritize things in my life before the surgery. The clock is ticking and the D-day salutes me around the corner. The ever approaching next week!

I must say my landlord is the most amazing and fair man in the world. Not only a reasonable rent but he also replaces my broken single bed to a small double bed with a good mattress and changes a not-so-well-working blinds all free of charge. AMAZING!

Saturday the rain and grayness... and the store quieting Gay Pride! The traffic, as usual, completely f.... up, plenty of people everywhere and I literally felt the atmosphere to my small chucked away office in the back of the store.

Monday morning's  self-spoiling session. 
This morning is definitely one of those to remember. Imagine sitting on a small table in this idyllic small cafe La complainte de la butte by Rufus Wainwright playing in the background. People who's faces you recognize smile or nod at you and all the worries fade away with every sip of that amazing apple, pineapple and mint juice.

Food for the soul or what?

There I continued my way to central London to arm myself with green mirrored Ray Ban Aviators and clothes that are easy to to pull on. Life with one arm should be made as easy as possible.

Yesterday I got lost surfing the web again and actually watched this documentary (first of a series) of consumer culture and how we, consumers, are being brainwashed and engineered to upgrade, upgrade, upgrade and waste our fortune and time to something newer and better, because everyone has it and the media makes us believe that these things will magically change our lives... and actually we have no idea why we want to upgrade and spent. The men who made us spend read that and watch all the clips if you have a chance.

I'm not against consumer culture but the way it effects to our hold of the reality and belief's troubles me. I've met people living in a strange fantasy world not in touch with the reality and those who evaluate people by their superficial material gain and looks. Disturbing how some people can't walk out of their front door without their fake lashes nor thousand dollar shoes etc. I have never heard that you would be able to bring your fortune not even your fake size E boobs to your grave (Trust me some sick bastard will rob those ones too! And sell them forward to another blindfolded consumer..). Like that would really grade us? When it comes to surviving it doesn't matter what your carrying with you. Quality over quantity! And unfortunately the-engineered-expiery-date on products doesn't make even the known brands trustworthy. 2nd hand/vintage and thrift shopping here I come!

But everyone has the right to value their own things in life. What am I to comment to that?

"Today I walked on clouds,
       enjoyed the life's simple delights.

          After strange storms when rights to own pleasure 
              and ego's collides.

                I decided to step out of scene of proving market values,
                    making back flips and performing for others to use.

                      By not stressing about things and people who in the end gain less than loose, 
                          lifting my head up and rediscovering my own space and the people who I choose.

                               After all.... give and take they say,
                                  dealing with rare diamonds there's no other way."

For end amusement: Behold! This is my pink super trolley for those days of being only 1 handed. I already awakened  amusement near by Swiss Cottage while testing my wheels in everyday shopping.

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