sunnuntai 22. kesäkuuta 2014

Midsummer. The time of nightless night and reconnecting yourself with the nature and ground (sometimes a bit too literally).

I ended up sharing my night with the most amazing people (not with the people I originally chose to but there must be a greater reason for the change of plans. Besides being somebody's back up plan is not really that mind exploding).

The night was not just dancing, drinking nor eating but a feast of laughter and fun! Let the pictures speak more than words!

Grass between my toes
I couldn't care less of those
worries in my mind and heart
which once in a while turn into 
a bigger form of an art.

Breeze in my hair
a mind full of dare
sweet taste left on my lips
I cannot believe this is something
people choose to miss!

Lost in the midsummer dance
where time stops and not only for a glance 
But for a full day of play and joy
when world is not only your oyster but a toy

So please do excuse me when I say
midsummer is the time to break the never ending
routine play 
No titles nor material gain
Just the happiness of existing and time to be gay!

Hope you all had amazing Juhannus/Midsummer day!

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