torstai 24. heinäkuuta 2014

Off-peak times and (Jaqs company) gave me enough courage to leave my safety territory and explore the wonders of the summer day in South bank.

Home made burger buns!
Performing street artists

When you're looking for love or try to understand the complexity of it what could be the best place to start than the Festival of Love?

There are 7 kinds of love:

Agabe- Love of humanity
Storge – family love
Pragma – love which endures
Philautia – self-respect
Philia – shared experience
Ludus – flirting, playful affection
Eros – romantic and erotic love

Amazing views

This made me feel like home. 

Got my hopes up that this would help me to find the quality
men but unfortunately the tips in the book are way too old 
school.  Actions are the things that defines the real man!

Movie Iron Sky is a plays with Tabu's, clichés and common settings that we are used to.  (Directed by Timo Vuorensola, a Finn of course. Who else would have that sick sense of humor mixed with straight forward honesty? The truth comes out no matter what the cost might be!) First of all the  movie is about the Moon Nazis. You heard me right... 1945 nazis found a way to travel to the dark side of the moon and have been there ever since waiting for their time to conger the world.

Don't worry Germany the movie is not making fun about the nazis only. USA gets it share of the filth as well. Also North Korea.... Russia too! And finally Finland is also targeted. Because funnily enough we finnish tend to have the ability to laugh and criticize ourselves as well. (Ability that some nationalities are lacking. Badly lacking... but lets save that for another day!) Also the action orientated mainly male characters filled movie world gets it's share when women are put in the place of men commanding battle ships with sexist jokes. Racism will be brought to justice as well.

The movie itself isn't that mind-blowing but the concepts it raises up for some sarcastic criticizing and some amazing actor/actress performances stretched to the extreme make this movie one of those that you definitely have to watch. At least once in your life time!

There's some good lines there and sorry for not quoting them here. They are not appropriate for all the public.

Even thought I have given you a picture of me spending all my days just reading, doodling and watching TV I have to reveal my little not so small dirty secret: The few braincells I still have left have been working hard and been thinking about the big questions. Especially now when I have to rethink my life again. The future among those mighty, shiny and (loaded!) always sounds amazingly appealing. Maybe business/banking could be for me? Or not...  I'm a girl of action and I love to express myself in one way or another! Marketing & media did have a fair share of my thoughts but then I had to face the reality. I might not be able to pursuit my values in the media or I may have to work amongst things I personally don't feel comfortable with: Like selling people values+happiness that can be bought or as cliché it sounds spread the unhappiness about yourself, looks etc and end up downgrading the things I so strongly believe in while taking a part in the pissing contest and living the "high life" all cocaine headed amongst people who only want to know you because of your connections or fortune. Talking about the inspiration killer and the doom of the artistic individuality here. No wonder now a days  everything in the media seems all the same! Maybe I'm over dramatizing this scene here but I'm pretty sure you get my point. ( Like my friend back in Finland who has amazing talent in fashion design but doesn't feel comfortable with the consumer culture and the negative environmental-economical-social impact the fashion industry has.)

In conclusion: After long day at work I want to go home and fall asleep thinking that this was another day when I actually helped someone and improved their life. It being healthcare, design, education...  That's where I want to be.

Strawberries, sun... what else do you need?
Thanks for the amazing day at the Primrose Hill Fiona! 

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