torstai 10. heinäkuuta 2014

Surgery done and dusted. Now hard part of rehab the real work starts like my fysio through the phone told: "Enjoy the resting while you can because we're going to make you work!". And if he's anything like his voice promises I'll be happy to be put in work by him...

Let me capture my experience into a few sentences and pictures:

1. going there in the morning. No make up, loose clothes, nails cut etc.

2. Waiting waiting waiting..... shot time (water), longing after food and sexy hospital stockings. (You should have seen the nickers...)

This is actually 30ml medicine cup but the fasting before
the surgery allowed us only a small shot off water every hour
and trust me. This is the angle I saw that small shot glass of water.
So thirsty and hungry!
Me at my best. Jacqueline laughed her head off!

3. THE moment, amazing personnel, music and joking. Nerve block pain (dermatomes and myotomes in action!) and general anesthetic. Waking up with drool on my cheek and urge to remove my own arm.

Best part where the minicab brought me finally home and Jacqs kept me company all night. Changing bandages, making sure I had my painkillers and Nando's take away chicken and chips! Speaking our hearts out, gossiping, laughing, joking about everything and having someone there just in case if anything happens when the pain and slowly disappearing nerve block was slightly loosing its effects and the pain took more and more space in my mind.

Today: Recovering, changing bandages, somebody behind my door, over all paranoia. Feet like spaghetti and mind as sharp as a marble ball.

And these still got bloody after a few changes!

Note to yourself:

1. Take it easy and  walk only to the fridge or toilet and back to the bed because the wounds still leaks big time.

2. Make sure your medicated ALL THE TIME because if medicines wont knock you out, the pain will.

BTW I have to figure out a new career: Not sports psychic after all due to Argentina's victory  (BUT Netherland's did play all the way to penalties!)

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