lauantai 12. heinäkuuta 2014

The time runs while in bed rest. Not because I have an amazing collection of movies but due to our friend Codeine.

Getting myself back together
Unbelievable how entertaining staring at the wall can be and how it really works with all sorts of pains. When taking the pill in minutes the burning knife in my shoulder disappears, all previous stress is gone and the one who really insulted me is a distant memory. Happy days! (with a downside as well. Yesterday I luckily was escorted by Shauna to my GB. Almost fainted in the nurses room when she was changing the bloody dressings to clean ones.)

You have no idea how good to finally have a bath feels. It was like from mission impossible. All the preparation just to dip yourself to water without soaking the wounds... my 3 minutes in heaven.
Sun shining so bright it makes
you feel guilty when flat in your bed

Nothing's better than fresh fruits an cucumber with hummus!

Shauna saved me from my medicated paranoid thoughts and washed my hair what became another mission me kneeled in front of the bath tub like confessing my sins while having water everywhere  and took me outside to buy some organic fruits and chocolate. Just to make sure I get my daily dosage of vitamin D! Have to say I just feel like I ran a marathon and completely exhausted! Thank god for my massive comfy bed!

One of my life's saviors!

It surely feels great to be clean with washed hair and comfy bed to continue my days of doing nothing but healing and recovering. Can't really remember of having a "holiday" longer than 1,5 weeks since I was 16. This is a whole new world for me. Just when you thought you have no time for nonsense like this, time just for yourself, somebody literally throws you with it at your face. Everything has a reason.

Btw been all emotional here again. Continuing my line with the classics. Remember Rome & Juliet 's version from the 90's with amazing actor work from for example always ever so dashing Leonardo DiCaprio? Who wouldn't love Shakespeare?:

"Oh, she shows the torches how to burn bright! She stands out against the darkness like a jeweled earring hanging against the cheek of an African. Her beauty is too good for this world; she’s too beautiful to die and be buried. She outshines the other women like a white dove in the middle of a flock of crows. When this dance is over, I’ll see where she stands, and then I’ll touch her hand with my rough and ugly one. Did my heart ever love anyone before this moment? My eyes were liars, then, because I never saw true beauty before tonight."

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